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This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Mrs Corinne Benham-Smith
160 Bronte Avenue, Tattenhoe Park, Milton Keynes, MK4 3GE
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school.
The headteacher and deputy headteacher have managed and led the growth of the school extremely well. They do not accept second best. The headteacher and other senior leaders have been relentless in their very successful drive to ensure continued rapid improvements in the quality of teaching and pupils' attainment.
This has ensured that the achievement of pupils is now outstanding. Leaders have an excellent understanding of the school's priorities because they check all aspects so thoroughly. They understand where the school's numerous strengths lie and plan carefully so that it can continue to improve.
They are supported... superbly in this by a knowledgeable governing body which is involved in all aspects of the school's life. There is a tremendously happy atmosphere in school that reflects the way that leaders value all members of the school community so that they feel part of the push for continued development. Pupils make outstanding progress across the school.
By the end of Year 6, attainment is consistently well above average in reading, writing and mathematics. Disadvantaged pupils make excellent progress and attain at least as well as their classmates by the end of Year 6. Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs also achieve extremely well.
Across the school, teachers get on very well with pupils. They have very high expectations of what pupils should achieve. They make school fun and plan work that motivates and inspires pupils to do very well.
Children improve their skills very rapidly in the early years provision. Excellent teaching supports children's learning very strongly and helps them to settle very quickly when they start school. Pupils are very proud of their school and its success.
Their behaviour is exemplary and they work hard all of the time, reflecting their excellent attitudes towards learning. Pupils rightly feel very safe and they learn the importance of tolerance and respect for others. They leave school as well-adjusted, happy and very confident individuals who have been very well prepared, both socially and academically, for the next stage of their education.
Parents and carers are very pleased with the work of the school and they support it whole-heartedly. They play a very important part in its success by funding projects and helping their children at home.
Information about this school
This is a larger than average-sized primary school.
The number on roll has been increasing every year since the school opened in 2008 as it moves towards capacity. Pupils come from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, with around six in 10 White British and one in 10 Indian. Around one in five of pupils speak English as an additional language.
The most common home languages for these pupils are Gujarati and Punjabi. Children in early years provision are taught full time in one of three Reception classes, and part time in the Nursery. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is around one in 10.
This proportion is below average. Around one in 10 pupils are supported by the pupil premium. This is lower than the national average.
The pupil premium is additional government funding provided to give extra support to disadvantaged pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and to children who are looked after by the local authority. The school meets the government's current floor standard, which sets the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The breakfast club and after-school club are run by the school and managed by the governing body.