Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

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About Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Name Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs K Dickson
Address Primrose Hill, Stanningley, Pudsey, LS28 6AB
Phone Number 01132574129
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 482
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy to come to this school every morning. They enjoy their lessons and the many opportunities for enrichment.

Staff are welcoming and friendly. Pupils feel safe because they trust staff to listen and to help them with any problems they may face. They feel it is very easy to make new friends and say that there are lots of opportunities to try something new.

Staff have very high expectations of pupils' behaviour, which is exemplary. They are polite to adults and respectful of each other. In lessons, they are keen to learn and settle down to tasks quickly.

The school aims to give all pupils the best start in life, including those with special educat...ional needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged. The early years curriculum sets very strong foundations for future learning. Across the school, staff expect pupils to work hard and achieve well, and they rise to these expectations.

Pupils achieve extremely well.

Pupils appreciate the many opportunities they have to enrich their learning during the school day and through extra-curricular activities. Leaders encourage staff to organise many visits out of school to give pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, a rich diet of cultural experiences.

For example, the school is recognised for the wealth of musical and creative arts opportunities it offers to its pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, governors and trustees have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum that is well established and very effective. Careful thought has been given to the main content to be taught in each subject.

The school continues to reflect on and refine subject content to make it even stronger. Pupils, including those with SEND, study a broad range of subjects. In the early years, the curriculum provides children with a wide range of valuable opportunities to develop their language, communication and mathematical skills.

As a result, by the end of the Reception Year, children are very well prepared for the key stage 1 curriculum.

Teachers are experts. They help pupils to understand well and achieve highly.

Teachers have very strong subject knowledge, and they explain topics and concepts clearly to pupils. Teachers in the early years and key stages 1 and 2 use a wide range of teaching strategies to capture the interests of their pupils.

Teachers know their pupils well.

They circulate around their classrooms to check regularly that each pupil understands what they have been taught. Pupils listen carefully to the advice that staff give them and respond by improving their work. Staff provide effective support for any pupils who find learning difficult.

Reading is a priority across the school. Pupils enjoy reading and do so frequently. Teachers have thought carefully about the books they want pupils to read.

Recently, leaders have increased the number of fiction and non-fiction books to reflect different cultures and lifestyles. Pupils enjoy the many opportunities provided in English lessons to read, write and recite poetry. Pupils learn to read through a clearly structured and very effective phonics programme.

All staff have received training in how to deliver it effectively. This has helped them to teach their pupils essential phonics knowledge. As a result, pupils in Reception and Year 1 rapidly become confident and fluent readers.

Teachers identify at an early stage any pupils who are in danger of falling behind. Staff provide effective additional support for these pupils.

The needs of pupils with SEND are identified promptly and accurately.

For example, many additional needs are identified before children join Reception due to the effective transition arrangements with local nurseries. Staff work closely with parents to quickly find the best possible support for pupils. Leaders provide staff with the information to give these pupils the help that they need.

Children in the Nursery and Reception Years settle quickly and learn to follow the routines and rules of the school day. They play and socialise very well with each other. They chat happily with adults in the well-resourced classrooms and well-equipped outside area.

Staff demonstrate excellent knowledge of how children learn and what they need to know next. Children make very strong progress through the curriculum due to the vibrant and stimulating atmosphere. This entices them to develop their skills across all areas of the curriculum.

The school is an exceptionally calm place in which to learn. Over many years, leaders have established a culture in which excellent behaviour is expected of everyone. Staff set a very good example to their pupils.

Low-level disruption in lessons or elsewhere is very rare. When it does occur, it is handled by adults highly effectively. Pupils know the rewards and consequences systems very well and work hard to win house points.

Leaders take every opportunity to provide enriching opportunities that enable pupils to expand their range of experiences. Pupils comment that they look forward to the enrichment afternoons, where they can learn new skills, such as sewing, or develop their appreciation of art and music. The school's personal development programme prepares pupils very well to be responsible citizens.

Pupils learn important insights into relationships, tolerance of difference and the school's values through the personal, social and health education curriculum.

Governors and trustees have a strong understanding of the strengths and areas for development in the school. They think strategically to ensure its long-term development and promote the sharing of excellent practice across the trust.

They use their different areas of expertise to support and challenge leaders effectively.

Staff appreciate the efforts trustees, governors and leaders have made to reduce their workload in a variety of ways. Staff find senior leaders to be approachable if they have a problem.

Pupils and staff have benefited from the extensive staff development programme provided by the trust and school. The school communicates well with parents to support pupils' education, such as through a weekly newsletter and by holding informative meetings at the beginning of the school year for different year groups.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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