Q3 Academy Langley

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About Q3 Academy Langley

Name Q3 Academy Langley
Website http://www.q3langley.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mr Peter Lee
Address Moat Road, Oldbury, B68 8ED
Phone Number 01215167070
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Christian
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1375
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher and senior leaders have a clear and compelling vision for this new school. They are highly ambitious for pupils.

Since opening, leaders have built a thriving, harmonious and caring school community. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. Staff in the school are hard-working and talented.

They are very keen to ensure that all pupils fulfil their potential. Leaders and staff are very well supported by the trust and its officers. Pupils' behaviour is impeccable.

Close supervision and very well-established routines ensure exemplary pupil behaviour throughout the school day. Pupils' attendance... levels are exceptionally high. Pupils value and engage wholeheartedly in their education.

Pupils feel safe and secure in school. Staff know pupils very well and afford each pupil a high level of care. Pupils' personal qualities are developed in a systematic and well-organised way.

In turn, pupils at the school display markedly positive attitudes to learning. The curriculum is sound. However, aspects of teaching in some subjects are temporarily constrained by building works and a lack of specialist provision.

The quality of teaching is usually good or even better. In many subjects, such as history and modern languages, teaching is routinely outstanding. While teachers across the school are keen to set challenging work, pupils do not always understand enough of what they have been taught.

No pupils have sat GCSE or other examinations yet. While most pupils are doing very well, a few do not yet achieve as well as teachers expect in formal internal tests. Some pupils find it difficult to apply or demonstrate new knowledge accurately.

When writing, pupils often make too many spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well. Additional adults are highly effective in helping these pupils tackle and complete new work.

Disadvantaged pupils are supported very effectively and achieve as well as other pupils. Governors are very effective. The local governing body has a wealth of experience and expertise which it uses to hold leaders to account.

Governors carry out their responsibilities effectively, including for safeguarding.

Information about this school

The school was opened as a new school in September 2016. Currently, it has pupils in Years 7 to 9.

Although it is smaller than most other secondary schools, it is growing rapidly. The school is part of the Q3 multi-academy trust, which is led by a chief executive and sponsored by a local businessman. Two other secondary schools are in the trust.

A governing body provides local oversight of the school and reports to a board of trustees. The proportion of pupils with SEND is slightly below average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above average.

Under half of the pupils are White British, and many different ethnic groups are represented in the school. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is slightly above average. Two pupils currently attend alternative provision at the Sandwell Community School.

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