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Pupils are caring and thoughtful at this village school. They feel safe and happy and are very proud to be part of the school community.
Pupils value their friendships and the positive relationships that they have with staff. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support. One pupil said, 'People are kind here, and if you ever feel sad, there is always someone there for you.'
Pupils enjoy responsibilities, such as being a librarian or a school councillor. Older pupils enjoy the opportunity to run clubs for younger pupils, such as Lego and chess clubs. Playtimes are very calm and respectful.
Behaviour is positive. I...f any pupils show challenging behaviour, this is managed sensitively and appropriately. As a result, pupils' learning is not disrupted.
Pupils enjoy learning how to question and check information to support their answers. They debate topics with enthusiasm and in a balanced way. Pupils develop secure knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.
For example, as part of their geography lessons, pupils explore aspects such as fjords, glaciers and other physical features of Scandinavia. Pupils value the school's engaging approach to learning.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum is ambitious for all pupils.
Pupils revisit what they have learned regularly. This helps them to know and remember more. In early years, children learn quickly about personal, social and emotional development.
They take turns and show care for each other. For example, children enjoy harvesting and watering tomatoes and talking about the soil and plants together. This also helps them to develop their communication and language.
Children develop positive attitudes towards their learning. They are well prepared for Year 1 and beyond.
Across the school, including in early years, staff adapt the curriculum for pupils with SEND effectively.
Staff provide additional support and resources so that all pupils can access their learning. Staff have secure subject knowledge. They teach in engaging, purposeful ways.
This ensures that pupils are learning and achieving well overall. However, some of the school's recent changes to the curriculum are still being embedded fully. In some subjects, such as mathematics, pupils' outcomes by the end of key stage 2 are not yet consistently high.
Pupils learn to read well. Staff teach phonics effectively from the beginning of early years. Staff check how well pupils read.
If pupils fall behind, they get the support that they need to catch up. Most pupils' achievement in phonics is strong. Staff model sounds and deliver lessons effectively.
Pupils develop a love of reading. They value the school library. Pupils respond well to the range of texts shared by their teachers and the opportunities to read to adults regularly.
For a small number of pupils who are still learning phonics, books they take home are not always closely matched to the sounds they have learned. The support for these pupils, therefore, could be more precise.Pupils know and live the school's values.
They learn about protected characteristics and how to respect everyone as part of the highly cohesive and supportive community at school. They know how to keep themselves safe when online. The school provides a range of interesting clubs.
Many pupils take part in sports and competitive events, such as football. The personal, social and health education curriculum helps pupils to understand about healthy relationships effectively. Pupils learn about eating well and staying fit.
Older pupils look forward to the annual talent show 'extravaganza'. The school is developing an increasing range of opportunities to stretch pupils' talents and interests.
Governors know the strengths and areas to develop for the school.
They are determined, focused and committed. Governors support and challenge the school to maintain a focus on achieving the best outcomes for all pupils. The school engages well with parents and carers.
There is a shared commitment for all to work together positively and effectively. Staff say that they feel supported with their workload and well-being. Staff, parents and pupils are overwhelmingly supportive of the school.
One parent summed up the thoughts of many, saying, 'The school is welcoming, nurturing and filled with staff who are passionate about all the children.'
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some of the books that the weakest readers use are not precisely matched to the sounds that they have learned.
This means that they do not make progress in reading as quickly as they could. Leaders should review the implementation of the phonics scheme so that reading books help all pupils to develop fluency and accuracy. ? In some subjects, such as mathematics, the curriculum has recently been reviewed, and a new approach has been implemented.
This is already having a positive impact. However, pupils' outcomes by the end of key stage 2 are not yet as high as they could be. The school should continue to develop precise and consistent pedagogical approaches that are used effectively across the whole staff team.