Queen Emma’s Primary School

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About Queen Emma’s Primary School

Name Queen Emma’s Primary School
Website http://www.queen-emmas.oxon.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Victoria Musson
Address Burwell Drive, Witney, OX28 5JW
Phone Number 01993704770
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 220
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are thriving at this kind, nurturing and caring school.

One pupil represented the views of many when they stated, 'The school helps me to become the best I can be.' There is a strong sense of community, which results in pupils feeling happy, safe and well looked after. Pupils know there is always someone to talk to if they need help.

The school has clear expectations for pupils' achievement, including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils behave well and work hard. Teachers present learning in inspiring and engaging ways, which motivates pupils' curiosity and eagerness to learn.

From early years onwards, pupils tak...e pride in their work and achieve well.

Pupils enjoy the range of important leadership opportunities available to them, such as being school councillors, classroom monitors and playground leaders. Breaktimes are filled with excitement, with pupils playing with the wide range of resources and activities, including large tyres and scooter boards.

Pupils are polite and courteous to their peers and adults, showing respect and kindness.

The extensive range of school trips and opportunities, including learning first aid and CPR, are notable experiences. These experiences help pupils to build confidence, increase their understanding of the world and prepare for life beyond school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an ambitious and carefully designed curriculum. It outlines the essential knowledge and key vocabulary pupils should learn over time. Effective teaching of this knowledge leads to pupils achieving well.

Children get off to an excellent start in the early years. Adults introduce ambitious vocabulary that children use enthusiastically when learning alongside their classmates. Children have a rich and engaging environment to explore and discover new things.

Adults provide carefully considered activities that inspire and engage children. The curriculum is delivered consistently well, which ensures that children are ready for Year 1.Pupils are keen and eager to participate in their learning.

Teachers model learning effectively and explain new ideas clearly. They select thoughtful learning activities that support pupils to improve their knowledge and skills. Pupils have opportunities to revisit essential knowledge, which helps them to link learning together.

For example, 'flashbacks' help pupils to remember past learning and enable teachers to check for any gaps in understanding. However, in a small number of subjects, pupils do not always remember what they have been taught previously and struggle to recall some important aspects. This affects how successfully they are able to build on this prior learning.

Pupils learn more successfully than published results might suggest. Where pupils join the school late, such as in Years 5 and 6, they do not have enough time to make up for previous lost learning. Consequently, despite learning well once they join the school, some pupils did not achieve as well as other pupils nationally by the end of Year 6 last year.

The school is determined for all pupils to flourish in this fully inclusive school. It has high expectations for pupils with SEND and identifies their needs accurately. Staff skilfully adapt how the curriculum is delivered to pupils with SEND.

This means that these pupils access the same full curriculum as their peers and that they achieve well.

Reading is a top priority. The school's approach to reading is vibrant and ambitious.

The teaching of phonics is sharp and matches pupils' needs precisely. Staff swiftly identify any pupils who need extra support with their reading and provide the help they need to catch up quickly. Pupils enjoy listening to adults reading to them and talking about their favourite authors.

Pupils' attitudes to school are positive. However, some pupils do not attend school often enough. As a result, they are missing out on essential learning and not benefiting from attending school regularly.

The school is relentless in how it challenges poor attendance. This has aided secure improvements over time for some pupils, but for others, absence remains high.

The school is ambitious about its opportunities and experiences for all pupils.

The emphasis placed on pupils' wider development is exceptional. The school ensures that pupils understand how to be respectful and value diversity, such as through visits to places of worship. Fundamental British values are taught as an integral part of the curriculum.

The school's junior citizenship programme develops pupils' responsibilities in the community. Pupils are encouraged to pursue interests and take up new experiences. They love attending many activities such as yoga, martial arts, science, arts and sports clubs.

Events such as sports competitions and festivals are accessible to all, ensuring that pupils with SEND are able to participate fully. The school's highly effective emotional and well-being programmes give pupils the confidence to seek advice about any concerns they may have.

The school is highly committed to excellence, striving for continuous improvement.

Staff appreciate the support they receive to do their jobs effectively and to help pupils to learn well. Those responsible for governance have a strong understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? In a small number of subjects, pupils have not learned or retained essential knowledge in their long-term memory. This means that pupils' understanding and recall of some subject knowledge are not secure. The school should ensure that gaps in pupils' knowledge in these subjects are identified swiftly and addressed effectively via future teaching, so that pupils learn consistently well.

• School attendance is low for some pupils, including those who are disadvantaged. Low attendance means these pupils are missing out on important learning for their future. The school should ensure that their ongoing work with families leads to improvements in attendance, so that all pupils attend school regularly.

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