Queensbridge Primary School

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About Queensbridge Primary School

Name Queensbridge Primary School
Website http://www.queensbridge.hackney.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Head Teacher Ms Sarah Bailey OBE
Address Queensbridge Road, Haggerston, London, E8 4ET
Phone Number 02072541186
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 429
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe at this inclusive primary school. Staff encourage pupils to understand and appreciate each other's views, and to value the diversity of the school's community. Pupils understand how the school expects them to behave.

They are polite and well mannered. Older pupils act as role models for younger children. Staff manage behaviour with sensitivity and care.

Bullying is rare. Adults act quickly to stop it, when it happens. They help pupils to resolve any issues between them.

The school has high expectations for pupils' learning, and pupils achieve highly across the curriculum. Pupils have many excellent opportunities to learn, including t...hose which go beyond the academic curriculum. For example, pupils devised and performed an opera, designing and making the props themselves in art lessons.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive skilled support. This is effective in helping their learning and their wider development.

Pupils have many opportunities to take on leadership roles, which are open to all.

For example, pupils stood for election to be Spanish ambassadors. The successful candidates made a short Spanish-language film for their partner school in Peru.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious curriculum.

Each subject clearly sets out and sequences the important knowledge for pupils to learn. Rigorous curriculum thinking helps pupils to develop their understanding in a subject exceptionally well. For example, they learn in depth the specific knowledge and skills that they need to carry out fieldwork in geography or conduct experiments in science.

The curriculum is coherently planned. Pupils' learning is connected meaningfully across different subjects. For example, pupils created animation projects in computing to explain what they had learned in history about Egyptian mummies.

The curriculum ensures that pupils deepen their understanding over time. In mathematics, children in the early years use physical resources which help them see the different ways of combining numbers to make five. Older pupils build on this secure understanding of number with a focus on learning addition facts off by heart through regular practice.

Teachers routinely check that pupils securely understand each step of their learning. Teaching is adapted to address any misunderstandings before moving on. As a result, the oldest pupils in the school can confidently tackle more complex mathematical problems which involve several steps.

The way in which children learn in early years is also very carefully considered. Children's understanding is developed and revisited in real-life contexts. For example, children enjoy learning about number by exploring what that they see around them, such as numbers on clock faces or on buses.

Staff skilfully reinforce children's learning further through well-selected rhymes, singing and counting games.

Curriculum thinking has a strong focus on vocabulary, enabling pupils to talk about their learning in depth. For example, in science, pupils discuss their observations and use what they already know to explain their thinking.

Pupils remembered what they had learned about air resistance as they discussed which shape of boat would move through the water best, with the least drag.

Reading has been prioritised across the whole school. Leaders have made sure that all staff receive regular training in the school's chosen phonics programme.

Older pupils read widely and develop their comprehension and interest in books. During story times across the school, pupils are gripped by the twists and turns of plotlines as teachers bring well-chosen books to life. In phonics lessons, pupils listen very attentively to adults.

They benefit from plenty of time to practise saying the sounds that letters make. Adults check pupils' understanding routinely and leaders are equally rigorous in making sure that pupils are keeping up with the expectations of the phonics programme. When needed, supporting pupils to catch up with their peers is carried out with urgency.

The books that pupils read consistently match their knowledge and understanding of phonics. Adults who read with them expertly guide pupils to use their knowledge to decode unknown words.

In early years, adults provide a warm, caring and secure environment for children.

They help children to understand and follow routines. Children are taught to recognise different emotions. They learn about being friendly, sharing and helping each other.

As a result, they behave exceptionally well. Adults consistently model how to use language accurately. They also expertly ask children in order to develop their thinking and use of language.

The school makes effective provision for pupils with SEND. In the additionally resourced provision for pupils with autism, pupils' needs are carefully identified. Expert support is well targeted.

Parents appreciate the wider support, including regular coffee mornings, which the school offers. Across the school, there has been a recent and significant increase in the number of pupils with SEND. Their needs are identified promptly so that appropriate support is in place, enabling them to access the same curriculum as their peers.

As a result of this work, pupils with SEND achieve well.

The school's work to promote pupils' personal development is exemplary. The programme for personal, social and health education is well planned.

Pupils are taught about how to promote their well-being and look after their mental health in physical education lessons and yoga sessions. Some pupils train to become peer mediators, helping others to sort out disagreements. Special events help to promote the school's inclusive culture.

Pupils are taught about issues such as equality and diversity. They have many opportunities to debate and discuss important issues.

Pupils attend very well.

Staff put appropriate support in place quickly to improve attendance, where necessary. Leaders provide effective professional development for staff, including teachers in the early stages of their careers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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