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They value the quality of learning they experience and how well they are supported when making their post-16 choices. They appreciate the school's inclusive culture and celebration of diversity.
Pupils know that the school has high expectations of them, personally and academically.
Behaviour in lessons is very good. Pupils work hard in lessons because they want to do well. Most achieve impressive outcomes.
Pupils know that the core value of respect is especially important within their diverse community. Almost all pupils show respect and dignity towards each other. However, a small number of pupils do not; the...ir less than positive attitudes mean that some pupils do not feel valued for who they are.
The school provides many opportunities that support pupils' personal development. Pupils appreciate how there are now more ways in which they can speak up and contribute to school improvement. They value the breadth of the clubs and activities available to them after school.
These include many sporting and performing arts options, as well as photography and chess. Many are involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
Parents and carers speak highly of the rounded education their children receive at Queensbridge.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Over the last year, there have been significant changes to leadership at Queensbridge. Leaders have evaluated accurately the school's performance and implemented several changes to aspects of the school's work. Leaders' new initiatives are helping to strengthen the school's provision for pupils.
Some of these initiatives are in the early stages of development.
Most pupils achieve very strong outcomes at the end of key stage 4. The school has recently put in place more effective ways of checking on pupils' progress in key stage 3.
The number of pupils who complete the full suite of subjects which form the English Baccalaureate is slowly rising.
The school prides itself on the breadth of the curriculum on offer to all pupils. This includes a focus on creative subjects, including dance and drama.
However, the school's allocation of time to study different subjects means that some subjects are prioritised at the expense of others. Consequently, pupils' depth of learning in some subjects is not as strong as in others.
Curriculum content is well sequenced.
Recent changes to the organisation of the curriculum in some subjects, including French and science, are helping pupils build their learning better over time. Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to help pupils understand new content. There are regular checks of pupils' learning and teachers address any gaps or misconceptions promptly.
Pupils appreciate the consistency of learning strategies used across different subjects, for example, the use of their green pens to check and improve their work.
Pupils enjoy reading. Excellent use is made of the vibrant school library.
The school ensures appropriate support for those pupils who are not yet secure readers. Leaders are working on how they can develop reading across the curriculum. The school is currently strengthening its approach to support the small number of weak readers to enable them to make more rapid progress.
The school's inclusive approach means that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported. Their needs are expertly identified, and appropriate targets are set. Staff are clear on the strategies that will best support each pupil; they use these well in lessons.
This helps pupils with SEND to achieve strong outcomes.
The school recently made changes to its work to promote good behaviour. This means expectations and processes are now clearer for both staff and pupils.
Pupils who have experienced consequences for their behaviour say that the systems are fair. The school makes careful use of more serious consequences and does what it can to find ways to help pupils get it right in the future.
Through the 'toolkit for life', 'SPARK' tutor programme and assemblies, pupils learn about many important topics that help to set them up for current and future success and well-being.
They also gain a better understanding of the world they live in. For example, pupils learned about the conflict in the Middle East through a sensitively handled assembly. The school's work on careers is excellent and prepares pupils very well for making informed choices about their futures.
Governors have a clear vision for the school. They provide supportive challenge to leaders and check that the school's responsibilities are being met. Staff talk about how recent changes have had a positive impact on their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school's organisation of the curriculum means that not all subjects are studied to an equivalent depth. As a result, pupils do not acquire the same depth of knowledge across the curriculum.
Not all pupils are able to select the subjects they want to study beyond key stage 3. The school should ensure that its curriculum design supports a good depth of learning for pupils in all subjects, as well as ensuring that pupils can continue with the range of subjects they need for future success. ? A minority of pupils have not bought into the school's culture of respect for each other's differences.
These pupils are not as considerate as they should be. Their attitudes and language mean that some pupils do not feel fully valued or respected. The school should ensure that all pupils' behaviour reflects the school's values and ambition to be truly inclusive.