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They feel very well cared for and happy. Differences between pupils are celebrated and those who are new, including those from other countries, are warmly welcomed. Pupils said that everyone soon becomes part of the 'Queensgate family'.
They are very proud of their school.
Pupils know that the school has high aspirations for their behaviour. In class, pupils try their very best.
They delight in learning new concepts and build an impressive array of knowledge and skills. Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve highly.
The behaviour of the children ...in the Nursery class through to pupils in Year 6 is exemplary.
Pupils are polite and considerate to one another. The school is calm and purposeful. At playtimes, pupils enjoy the wide range of activities that are on offer.
Pupils benefit from the high-quality experiences that the school provides. Older pupils make a valuable contribution to the life of the school through a range of leadership responsibilities. For example, restorative ambassadors help to ensure playtimes are harmonious.
In addition, Year 6 pupils become buddies for children new to the Reception class. This helps these children to settle quickly into the life of the school. Pupils develop their skills and talents by attending a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, including cross-country, French and gymnastics.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils benefit from an exceptionally well thought out curriculum. It is ambitious for all pupils, including those in the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision). Children in the early years make the best possible start.
An engaging curriculum invites them to develop their curiosity. Highly skilled staff ensure that children are very well prepared for key stage 1.
The school has thought deeply about the way in which it enables pupils to learn well.
The Queensgate teaching cycle ensures a consistent approach across all classes. Learning is broken down into small steps so that teachers can help pupils to build on their previous learning. Teachers ensure that they design activities that help pupils to learn and remember what they are taught.
Activities are adapted effectively so that pupils with SEND learn alongside their classmates.
Teachers' strong subject knowledge enables them to address pupils' misconceptions straight away. Teachers regularly check how well pupils are learning.
This information is used skilfully to tailor future teaching to ensure that pupils learn as well as they can. There are regular opportunities for pupils to retrieve and recall their prior learning. This helps them to remember more over time.
Pupils, including pupils with SEND, achieve highly. The 2023 published data shows that pupils are more than prepared to make a successful start in secondary school.Reading has the highest priority.
In the Nursery class, children join in with rhymes, songs and stories. The phonics programme is delivered consistently well by expert staff. By the end of the Reception Year, children have a secure knowledge of phonics.
Pupils in key stage 1 continue to develop this knowledge and they read with fluency and accuracy. The small number of pupils who fall behind in the phonics programme are identified quickly and supported effectively to catch up. Reading books are well matched to the sounds that pupils know.
A wide range of high-quality books help pupils to develop a love of reading. This ensures that pupils can practise reading and enjoy success. Older pupils talked about the books that they enjoy.
They are self-motivated to read.
The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND swiftly. Pupils with SEND, including those in the specially resourced provision, benefit from strong support to help them to meet their individual targets and keep pace with the school's curriculum.
Pupils' behaviour is exceptional. In class, pupils listen very attentively to their teachers. They relish challenge and enjoy discussing what they are learning.
Pupils are very keen to improve their work. Routines are established quickly in the Nursery class. This continues all the way through school.
Pupils have a strong sense of right and wrong. Pupils attend regularly and the school does all it can to ensure that this is the case.
The provision to promote pupils' personal development is remarkable.
For example, pupils said that they develop their independence and resilience through residential trips. The school makes sure that all pupils, especially disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, benefit from the excellent range of opportunities that are on offer. Pupils learn how to be active citizens.
For instance, they raise funds for a school in Kenya and a local charity that is close to their hearts.
The school's values of being respectful, responsible and reflective are instilled from the early years onwards. Pupils enact these values in the way they interact with staff and one another.
Pupils are taught about different religions and cultures. They value being part of a diverse community. For example, pupils with SEND work and play alongside their peers.
This contributes to a highly positive atmosphere across the school building.
Governors work closely with the school to evaluate the quality of education that pupils receive. They play an active part in deciding on what the school will do next to improve even further.
Governors challenge and support the school effectively. Staff feel valued, and their morale is high. They are proud to work at the school.
They appreciate the time that they are given to complete additional tasks. This helps them to manage their workload.