Quilters Junior School

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About Quilters Junior School

Name Quilters Junior School
Website http://www.quiltersjuniorschool.com
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mike Wade
Address Laindon Road, Billericay, CM12 9LD
Phone Number 01277652339
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 270
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection


Quilters Junior School has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.

What is it like to attend this school?

Every pupil is given the opportunity to excel at Quilters Junior School.

Pupils achieve to a very high standard academically. They develop into mature, confident young people. Every pupil is taught to be a 'true Quiltonian' in all that they do.

Pupils are safe and happy. They love to learn. Pupils in all year groups demonstrate a real thirst for knowledge.

They talk enthusiastically and confidently about what they learn. Pupils know their education at school prepares them well for the future.

Behaviour i...s exemplary.

Pupils socialise positively with each other. Pupils enjoy a range of activities in the playground. They join in joyfully with games, such as chess, ping pong and hoopla.

No one is left out. Pupils look out for each other and care deeply for those around them.

The 'Quilters Quest' means that all pupils complete a range of additional character-building activities in their time at the school.

Visiting the local care home, raising money for charities, and sharing their learning on 'Quilters TV' are just some of the rich and carefully chosen opportunities that pupils have. Pupils develop empathy and respect for the older generation by training as 'dementia friends' and writing to their inter-generational pen pals.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is relentless in its drive to provide the best possible education for all pupils.

It has an excellent understanding of what this looks like, and how to achieve it. As a result, pupils experience great success academically, socially, and emotionally at this school.The school, working alongside the neighbouring infant school, has designed a curriculum which identifies the knowledge and vocabulary pupils learn year on year.

Staff teach the curriculum with real expertise. By revisiting prior learning and checking what pupils remember, the school ensures that pupils learn and remember the key facts across each topic. Over time, pupils connect their learning and develop a depth and breadth of knowledge.

Pupils, including those pupils who are disadvantaged, achieve well across different curriculum subjects.

The school ensures that reading is not an obstacle to pupils' learning across the curriculum. Pupils' reading ability is checked on arrival at the school.

Any pupil who needs extra support receives this without delay. Well-trained adults deliver the school's chosen phonics programme very effectively. Pupils read books matched to the sounds that they know.

This means pupils catch up quickly and become fluent, confident readers. A love of reading is evident across the school.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported extremely well.

Careful adaptations are made to enable pupils with SEND to learn successfully in class. Pupils with SEND achieve well and benefit from the same opportunities and experiences as their peers.

The school's ethos of care and support, alongside a strong culture for learning, contributes to pupils behaving exceptionally well in class.

Teachers set high expectations. Pupils eagerly meet these. Learning in class proceeds without disruption.

The school places great importance on pupils' personal development. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe online. They develop empathy and respect for other cultures and beliefs through trips to different places of worship.

Pupils speak maturely about how they keep themselves healthy. They confidently describe how they can 'empty their stress bucket'. Pupils learn a range of strategies to look after themselves and those around them.

Pupils actively contribute to their local community by running pop up restaurants or performing to local residents. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their next stage.

Leaders, including governors, are highly ambitious for pupils at this school.

They ensure the school continues to improve and develop over time. Staff at all levels feel appreciated. They know their well-being is always considered.

Staff value the training they get to do their jobs well. Everyone at the school is proud to be part of the 'Quilters Family'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.


Until September 2024, on a graded (section 5) inspection we gave schools an overall effectiveness grade, in addition to the key and provision judgements. Overall effectiveness grades given before September 2024 will continue to be visible on school inspection reports and on Ofsted's website. From September 2024 graded inspections will not include an overall effectiveness grade.

This school was, before September 2024, judged outstanding for its overall effectiveness.

We have now inspected the school to determine whether it has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at that previous inspection. This is called an ungraded inspection, and it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005.

We do not give graded judgements on an ungraded inspection. However, if we find evidence that a school's work has improved significantly or that it may not be as strong as it was at the last inspection, then the next inspection will be a graded inspection. A graded inspection is carried out under section 5 of the Act.

Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the ungraded inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will deem the ungraded inspection a graded inspection immediately.

This is the first ungraded inspection since we judged the school to be outstanding for overall effectiveness in March 2017.

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