RAF Benson Community Primary School

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About RAF Benson Community Primary School

Name RAF Benson Community Primary School
Website http://www.raf-benson.oxon.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Steph Fawdry
Address RAF Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6EP
Phone Number 01491836460
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 175
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

RAF Benson Community Primary School is a welcoming and friendly school where pupils are happy and feel safe. Pupils understand the school values of kindness, resilience and responsibility, and demonstrate these daily.

Behaviour is exemplary. The school has high expectations for how pupils and adults should treat each other. Pupils are determined to behave superbly and live up to the school's expectations.

Many pupils join and leave the school at different times. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils' achievement during their time at the school, regardless of how long they are on the school roll. Pupils are supported to work hard in lessons, and outcomes are improving.<...br/>
Overall, pupils now achieve broadly in line with the national average.

The school provides pupils with exceptional opportunities that enrich their learning and well-being. Staff work relentlessly to support pupils and their families when parents are on deployment.

This creates a strong sense of community in the school. Pupils love following the adventures of George the squirrel as he travels around the world with a deployed parent. They benefit from the unique location of the school and enjoy events, such as camouflage days or experiencing Royal Air Force (RAF) life through 'cook-a-thons' in the school hall judged by RAF chefs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The provision for early years is exceptional. Children demonstrate a secure knowledge of the ambitious curriculum they have learned. They make links between topics confidently and enjoy sharing books and stories with each other.

The school expertly teaches children challenging vocabulary, which they love to use with one another and with adults. Children focus independently and are excited to learn, which helps them to achieve highly. Staff build excellent relationships with parents, and this helps parents to support children's learning at home confidently.

The school has designed an engaging curriculum across all year groups. It promotes diversity to inspire pupils. For example, pupils study a range of interesting artists in art and design lessons.

Staff have created a precise sequence of learning that builds pupils' knowledge over time. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified quickly when they arrive at the school. Staff make skilful adaptations to their teaching so that pupils with SEND learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Pupil mobility is high. Staff take careful account of this and prioritise checking pupils' understanding when they first join. This helps staff to understand pupils' needs when they arrive, especially in English and mathematics.

The school has identified that ongoing checks of pupils' learning is an aspect to be further strengthened. In English and mathematics, staff encourage pupils to recall key content by revisiting previous learning. This builds pupils' fluency and confidence.

The most recent low key stage 2 published outcomes in mathematics do not reflect the secure provision and achievement in place currently. In some other subjects, staff do not consistently check that pupils can recall the most important knowledge and skills they have been taught. This leads to some gaps in pupils' understanding over time.

Pupils love to read. Older pupils are inspired by the books that their teachers read to them. Teachers deliver the school's phonics programme effectively.

This begins as soon as children start in Reception. Staff are quick to identify any misconceptions and provide helpful support to pupils so they keep up with their peers. The books that pupils read are well matched to the sounds they are learning.

Pupils' attendance is excellent. The school supports pupils and families expertly if attendance becomes a concern. Behaviour in and around the school is first-rate.

In the words of one pupil, 'We have supreme standards.' Pupils play superbly together at social times and have a strong degree of concentration in lessons.

The school has designed an exceptional curriculum to enhance pupils' wider development.

The school's work to ensure that all pupils are resilient and ready for new challenges is commendable. Staff provide a plethora of opportunities to support pupils when parents are on deployment. Pupils enjoy a rich range of sporting and artistic opportunities, such as cross-country races and learning to play a brass instrument.

Leaders at all levels know the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Governors provide appropriate challenge to help the school further improve. Staff feel well supported to manage their workload.

They receive a wide range of training, which helps them to teach effectively. Staff are proud to work at the school and appreciate the sense of community within the school and on the RAF base.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school is refining how it checks pupils' understanding in foundation subjects. Pupils' recall of key content is variable, and the school is not consistently clear what the gaps are. The school should prioritise checking pupils' understanding, and staff should use this information to adapt their teaching to support pupils to achieve highly across the curriculum.

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