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Pupils thoroughly enjoy attending this picturesque village school. Their exemplary attitudes are underpinned by the school's six learning values. Pupils feel safe and happy.
They are celebrated for their individuality. The supportive, caring relationships that staff form with them allow pupils to flourish.The school has extremely high expectations of what pupils can and should achieve.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), consistently live up to or exceed these expectations. This is reflected in the exceptional way that they discuss and debate what they have learned. Pupils across the school achieve remarkably well. ...r/>Pupils delight in the vast array of enrichment activities that the school provides. The school makes the best use of its beautiful grounds to deepen pupils' understanding and enhance learning. For example, pupils learn orienteering skills in their woodland and field.
They use the stream running through the woods for their geography and science activities.In addition, pupils benefit from carefully programmed trips to local venues such as the transport museum and the theatre. From Year 2 to Year 6, pupils enjoy yearly residential trips to Whitby, Wales and the Yorkshire Dales.
These experiences help to broaden pupils' horizons and develop their social skills.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is extremely ambitious for pupils, including those with SEND. It has carefully considered the important knowledge that pupils should learn at each stage and in each subject.
It has then enhanced this to deepen learning. This broad and balanced curriculum flows seamlessly from the beginning of the early years to the end of Year 6.
Staff at the school are experienced and have benefited from high-quality ongoing curriculum training.
As a result, they design curriculum content extremely well and ensure that it is delivered as intended. Staff are adept at swiftly identifying pupils' misconceptions and misunderstandings. They use the school's checking strategies well to identify where pupils may have gaps in their knowledge and to shape their future learning.
Pupils are given regular opportunities to recall and retrieve their learning so that it becomes embedded in their memories. Over time, pupils develop an exceptionally deep body of knowledge that interconnects between subjects.
Children start learning phonics as soon as they begin the Reception Year.
If pupils struggle with reading, skilled staff provide effective support to help them to catch up quickly. Most pupils become confident and fluent readers by the end of Year 2. They speak excitedly about their favourite stories.
Older pupils read widely from a diverse range of texts and authors.
Pupils with SEND are quickly identified by skilled staff. The school provides bespoke training to staff who support pupils with SEND.
Staff make necessary adaptations to their teaching to enable pupils with SEND to learn successfully. These pupils are fully involved in all aspects of school life and achieve well.
Pupils and children in the early years display a real thirst for learning and show extraordinary independence and resilience.
They follow clear routines which enable them to move around the school sensibly and safely.
Throughout the school, attendance rates are high. The school prioritises maintaining this.
The trusting relationships that staff build with families help to identify where support is needed. This lessens any potential dips in attendance.
The school offers a comprehensive range of experiences to support pupils' personal development.
Pupils learn to celebrate the differences between people. Pupils are proud to carry out leadership roles such as being Rainow rep school councillors, planet protectors and sports leaders. The school wholeheartedly encourages pupils to take the lead in community events, such as the Christmas fair.
This enables them to experience and value the feeling of giving back to the community, which they equate with well-being. Pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. They understand the concept of consent and what makes a healthy relationship.
They also know about different religions and cultures. As such, pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Governors have an extensive skill set that equips them to oversee the school successfully.
They know the school and community well. They carry out their statutory duties effectively and support staff and leaders' well-being successfully. Staff are immensely proud to work in the school.
They feel valued and listened to. They greatly appreciate how well their workload is considered by leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.