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Mount Pleasant Road, Birtley, Chester le Street, DH3 1AY
Phone Number
Community school
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are proud to be part of this highly inclusive school.
Leaders have established an influential set of values including respect, perseverance and kindness. Staff consistently demonstrate these values for pupils. Pupils are inspired to live out the values through their conduct and attitudes to learning.
Ravensworth Terrace Primary School is a vibrant and happy place to learn.
The school has implemented a curriculum that helps pupils to secure their knowledge of the subjects that they study. Pupils exhibit an impressive understanding across a number of subjects.
For example, pupils explain why Hadrian's wall was built by the Romans and the functio...n of plasma and platelets in the human blood supply. Some aspects of the curriculum are in the earlier stages of development. Pupils' knowledge in these areas is less well developed.
Adults help pupils to manage their own feelings and to behave well. Staff apply the school's behaviour policy consistently. As a result, pupils behave well most of the time.
When behaviour slips, staff immediately help pupils to get back on track. This means pupils can focus on their learning with few distractions.
Leaders make sure pupils and families understand why attending school is important.
Staff provide lots of support to help pupils attend every day. This is leading to high levels of attendance for most pupils.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have established an ambitious curriculum that identifies the important knowledge that pupils need.
The school is in the process of checking that this knowledge is clearly identified in all subjects. In art and design, pupils develop their understanding of cross hatching and shading techniques before making complex drawings of people in different poses. In mathematics, adults make sure that pupils refresh their previous learning every day.
This is a common approach across a number of subjects and is helping pupils to remember important knowledge. In history, pupils are using this knowledge to make links between different historical periods. For example, during the inspection, pupils explained in detail the way that cultures traded during different periods in history.
However, the school's ambition for the curriculum has not been fully realised in all subjects. Where subjects are at an earlier stage of development, there is less clarity about the knowledge that pupils need and how this should be taught. In these subjects, pupils' knowledge is less well developed.
Leaders have made reading a priority. They make sure that staff get the training that they need to help pupils to learn to read. In early years, adults help children to get off to a superb start by learning phonics and beginning to read simple words.
The books children read are matched to the sounds that they know. Leaders ensure all pupils practise reading every day. When pupils struggle, skilled adults provide just the right support to help them to catch up.
The quality of this support is exemplary.Pupils quickly master phonics and become fluent readers. Adults read to the pupils every day.
They bring these stories to life for the pupils in their care. This inspires pupils to practise reading with fluency and expression.
In early years, staff help children to build positive relationships.
Children cooperate consistently well with each other. The children show positive attitudes to their learning. They are able to concentrate well in order to complete the activities that they are given.
However, the curriculum for early years is not precisely focused on the learning children need to acquire. Some of the activities that the school provides for children do not help them to develop their learning well enough.
The support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is exemplary.
Most pupils learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Where pupils need a different approach, this is precisely matched to their needs. This is helping pupils with SEND to develop academically and socially.
Leaders place no limits on what pupils can do and achieve. Pupils with SEND are flourishing.
The school's work to promote pupils' personal development is exceptional.
Pupils develop a deep understanding of relationships, well-being and how to stay safe online. Pupils talk about issues like consent and healthy relationships with considerable maturity. Pupils explain how they are encouraged to be a 'better person' by contributing to the running of the school.
Pupils take these leadership roles very seriously, serving their school as eco councillors, school councillors and/or buddies. The school deliberately broadens pupils' experiences. For example, pupils visit Beamish Museum to learn about local heritage.
Others visit a local farm to find out about food production. These opportunities bring learning to life for pupils. The school's work to support the mental health of pupils and families is also exemplary.
Some families have taken part in a project to help to support their children's mental health at home. All of this work informs the close connection that the school has established with the community that it serves.
Those responsible for governance are knowledgeable about the school.
They check that leaders' actions impact positively on pupils' outcomes. The workload and well-being of all staff is a priority. Staff are proud to work at this school.
One member of staff reflected the views of others, saying, 'we are not just seen as employees. We are seen as human beings'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Where subjects are at an earlier stage of development, there is less clarity about the knowledge that pupils need and how this should be taught to pupils. In these subjects, pupils' knowledge is less well developed. The school should make sure that staff have the support that they need to help pupils to learn important knowledge in all subjects.
• The curriculum for early years is not precisely focused on the learning children need to acquire. Sometimes, the planned activities do not help children to develop their learning well enough. The school should make sure that the activities that children do help them to develop the learning that they need.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.