Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School

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About Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School

Name Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Craig Elder
Address Bridge Lane, Rawcliffe Bridge, Goole, DN14 8NH
Phone Number 01405839249
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 43
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is rooted at the heart of the community. There is a real 'family feel' to the school. Pupils like the small number of classes.

One pupil described the school as 'homely, where we all know each other'. Pupils behave well, are kind and are respectful of each other. They are safe, and feel safe.

The new headteacher has quickly identified the changes needed to improve the curriculum. These changes are not fully implemented. Sometimes, pupils are not sure about what they are supposed to be learning.

They cannot remember what they have learned in previous lessons.

The motto of 'be kind, be inspired, be you' is a focus of school life. Nursery chi...ldren play alongside older pupils at lunchtime.

Pupils say that bullying did happen, but it does not anymore. They are confident that adults would deal with it if it did occur. Staff have high expectations of pupils.

There are strong, positive relationships. Pupils want to do well.

Pupils take part in a range of clubs, such as Lego and football.

They enjoy their new responsibilities, such as being lunchtime monitors. They take these roles seriously and happily cover extra shifts on the rota. The pupils' highlight of the week is 'Hull FC Fridays'.

They love these sessions about staying fit and healthy.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The recently appointed headteacher has introduced a more aspirational curriculum. Leaders have begun to ensure that teachers teach important knowledge in a logical order.

Most subjects, except for reading and mathematics, are at the early stages of development and implementation.

The teaching of reading and mathematics is strong. Pupils achieve well.

Children in the early years enjoy their daily reading. Older pupils delight in choosing books from their class libraries. The 'reading raffle' helps pupils to develop a love of reading.

Staff teach phonics well. Children begin learning phonics at the start of the Reception Year. Staff check often that pupils remember different sounds.

When pupils need extra support, staff make sure that they read more regularly and practise their phonics frequently. Pupils become confident and fluent readers. The teaching of mathematics is well structured.

Pupils build their knowledge and skills logically. Pupils enjoy using a range of resources to support their understanding and develop their fluency in number.

In subjects such as art and geography, the curriculum design is mapped out clearly from term to term or year to year.

Leaders' recent improvements to the curriculum have yet to show a positive impact on pupils' learning. Pupils do not have a good understanding of their current learning because of gaps in their prior knowledge. For example, in geography, older pupils cannot remember and apply their prior geographical learning.

Some pupils struggle to talk in depth about different faiths and cultures that they have studied.

Sometimes, teachers do not make sure that pupils understand what they are learning and why. On these occasions, pupils become confused about the purpose of their learning.

This is particularly the case when pupils are working independently.

Teachers quickly identify and support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders work closely with a range of professionals to meet the needs of pupils well.

Pupils with specific needs receive skilful and effective support. The school is inclusive. Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND have the same opportunities as their peers.

There is a genuine buzz of excitement in the early years. Children quickly understand the routines and expectations for their learning and behaviour. Staff model communication and language skills well for children.

Topics of learning captivate children. They talk with enthusiasm about the differences between animals that can live in the water and those that live on dry land, as part of their learning for their 'Under the Sea' topic.

The curriculum to support pupils' personal development is enriched by a variety of clubs and competitions.

The pastoral team provides effective care for pupils' emotional health and well-being. Pupils learn about positive relationships. The school council members are keen to make positive changes.

They are proud of their achievement in organising a successful fundraising event at a local business to purchase new football nets. Younger pupils enjoy learning about inspiring role models. They understand the differences that people like Thomas Edison and Malala have made to the world.

Until recently, governors have not checked sufficiently on the leadership of the curriculum. They are ambitious to improve their understanding of what is working well in school and what needs to improve. They know there is further work to do to ensure that the quality of education improves.

Staff are proud to work here. They value the advice and training they receive. They appreciate the support from leaders to help them to manage their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding procedures are strong. Leaders know children and their families well.

These strong relationships mean that adults are quick to spot any concerns. Leaders work well with different agencies. The school borders two local authority areas.

Leaders ensure that this is not a barrier to families getting the right help. Staff training is up to date. Leaders thoroughly check the suitability of staff before they start working in the school.

Record-keeping is meticulous.

Pupils learn about a range of local safeguarding issues. They know about road safety and staying safe by the water.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The learning content for some foundation curriculum subjects is not coherently sequenced. This makes it difficult for pupils to make connections and build their knowledge securely as they progress through the school. Leaders should ensure that the recently improved curriculum for foundation subjects is designed to build knowledge logically, from the early years to Year 6, to enable pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding and make links to prior learning.

• Sometimes, teachers do not check sufficiently that pupils understand what they are learning. At these times, some pupils become confused about what they are learning, and why, particularly when they are working independently. Leaders should ensure that teachers check on how well pupils are understanding the important knowledge that teachers want them to learn and remember.

• In the recent past, governors have not checked that leaders are making the right decisions to improve the curriculum. Consequently, they have not always had an accurate picture of the quality of education. Governors should ensure that they provide appropriate challenge and support for leaders and hold them to account for the decisions that they make.

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