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This is a welcoming and inclusive school. Leaders and staff hold pupils at the centre of everything they do.
Pupils work well together. They feel safe and happy. Leaders have built a curriculum where difference is understood.
Pupils understand the importance of treating one another with fairness. They respect the differences between people.
Leaders and staff have set high expectations for pupils' behaviour and conduct.
The 'Sandhill Way' is displayed around school. This is a list of positive characteristics for life. These have a positive effect on both the behaviour and character development of pupils.
Through 'The Sandhill Way', pupils lea...rn to take responsibility for their own actions. As a result, they are polite and respectful. This starts in early years, where clear routines are established and children learn self-control.
There is a calm environment in classrooms and around the school. Bullying is rare and when it does occur, it is dealt with effectively.
Pupils experience a range of after-school clubs and trips.
They enjoy sports and physical activity. Leaders encourage pupils to be the best they can be. Pupils understand that while there is a place for competition, taking part in sport is important in itself.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well through curriculum adaptations. Leaders have carefully considered whether the curriculum is 'fit for purpose'.
It is adapted to provide wider cultural experiences to meet the context of pupils in the school. The important knowledge that must be learned is clearly identified and builds through each sequence of learning. Pupils connect some of this knowledge well, referencing how times have changed when thinking about equality.
However, leaders recognise that a small number of subjects are at an earlier stage of development. Older pupils who experienced disruption to their learning during the COVID-19 pandemic have had less time to benefit from the improvements that leaders have made. This means that some pupils are less able to connect and apply learning over the longer term.
Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. Phonics is taught daily. Adults deliver the programme consistently well.
This is because leaders ensure that staff receive regular training and support. Pupils at risk of falling behind are quickly identified. They receive extra daily practice.
Pupils use their phonic knowledge to read unfamiliar words in books that contain the sounds they know. Pupils are enthusiastic about books that they share in class. They have stories recommended to them by teachers and enjoy special reading assemblies.
Some pupils at the earliest stages of reading are not being helped to catch up as quickly as they could. Leaders recognise that these pupils need more precise teaching support.Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum for children in early years.
They have created a supportive environment that helps children to learn the planned curriculum. The curriculum makes sure that pupils learn important skills, such as how to use scissors safely in Nursery. Children follow taught routines well.
Vocabulary is deliberately planned, such as the use of positional language and mathematical language. This prepares children well for future learning in Year 1.
Pupils have opportunities to take on different leadership roles, including as school council members.
They enjoy acting as buddies, responsible for different zones during lunchtimes. They encourage pupils to join in with a range of activities. This builds pupils' confidence and leads to calm and constructive breaktimes.
Leaders ensure that pupils' practical experiences go beyond their lived experiences, such as visiting a bank and ensuring they learn about finance and economic well-being. Pupils understand how their learning is preparing them for jobs in the future. Pupils talk about the 'Sandhill pledges.'
The pledges promote active citizenship, life skills and cultural experiences.
Leaders work tirelessly to drive improvement across the school. They work with pupils and their families to stress the importance of good attendance.
Their work in this area is beginning to have a positive impact. Subject leaders work in trust curriculum groups to deepen their subject knowledge. Staff feel supported with their workload.
Training and support by the trust help teachers with their teaching. The chief executive officer, strategic leaders and governors know the school well. They prioritise improving the mental health and well-being of all staff and pupils.
They are rightly proud of the progress that has been made.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that staff are well trained in safeguarding.
Regular bulletins and refresher quizzes help staff to remember key safeguarding information. Leaders work with agencies to ensure that pupils and families get the support that they need. Leaders know their community well.
They understand the local risks that pupils may face. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, including how to stay safe online and around water. Learning to swim is a priority.
Pupils know that they can tell a trusted adult if they have any concerns about their safety. There are robust safeguarding procedures for pupils who attend the resource provision located on a different trust site. Pupils say that they feel safe at school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• For some pupils at the earliest stages of reading, support is not precise enough. This prevents these pupils from catching up as quickly as they should. Leaders should work with staff to ensure that phonic teaching and support better meet the needs of all of these pupils.
• The curriculum is less securely embedded in a small number of subjects. This means that pupils have not yet built a cumulatively sufficient depth of knowledge for future learning in some areas of the curriculum. Leaders should continue to ensure that all subjects are consistently implemented so that pupils better connect and apply their knowledge over time.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.