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Pupils enjoy attending Reckleford Community Infant School and Nursery. They are friendly and welcoming to all. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong.
These are rooted in the school's ethos, based on values which include respect and fairness.
Leaders have high expectations for all. Pupils understand these and know why it is important to do their best.
Pupils enjoy sharing their learning with others and are inquisitive about the world around them. They are proud of the rewards they receive for their work and behaviour.
Pupils are calm and polite.
They know the school rules and behave well in lessons. Beyond the classroom, pupils so...cialise happily together. They feel safe and know that if they have any worries, a trusted adult will help them.
Pupils take on leadership roles. For example, members of the school council participate in school decision-making. This helps them to develop responsibility.
Pupils value opportunities to visit places of interest. For example, they enjoyed visiting a local farm to further their knowledge in science and geography.
Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to develop their interests and talents through wider activities like 'PE club'.
Pupils are enthusiastic about opportunities to showcase these, such as 'Reckleford's Got Talent'.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. They have given careful consideration to what they want pupils to know.
In many subjects, this ambition is fully realised because teaching supports pupils' learning effectively. For example, in mathematics, pupils develop confidence in their knowledge of number. They use this knowledge to solve mathematical problems.
Some subjects are less well established. Often, what pupils learn and how they learn it does not match the stated intentions of the curriculum.
In many subjects, leaders check what pupils know and remember.
Pupils who have fallen behind are supported to catch up and keep up. However, in some subjects, teachers' use of assessment is not fully developed. This means they do not always form an accurate picture of how successfully pupils learn the curriculum.
Children in the Nursery make a strong start. The curriculum supports children in all areas of their learning. Staff carefully consider opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge that children need.
For example, they plan water-play activities that require children to take turns. Children benefit from opportunities to develop their language, early mathematics and physical skills. This prepares them well for learning in key stage 1 and beyond.
Recent improvements to the reading curriculum have not yet had an impact on published outcomes in phonics. However, they are having an impact on how well current pupils learn. This begins in Nursery where children enjoy singing rhymes, listening to stories and learning greetings.
They learn to read as soon as they start school in Reception Year. As pupils continue through the school, reading books accurately match the sounds that pupils know. This means that pupils read with increasing fluency as they get older.
Beyond phonics, pupils continue to develop their knowledge and skills through a carefully planned reading curriculum. They develop a love of reading and enjoy a range of fiction and non-fiction books. Pupils relish opportunities, such as 'Rainbow Rewards', for their work in reading.
Leaders and staff support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. They identify pupils' needs early This means that children begin to receive support from the start of Nursery. Leaders work closely with parents and external agencies where appropriate.
This means that plans to support pupils' needs are well considered. Staff adapt the curriculum to meet pupils' needs effectively.
The curriculum for personal development is a strength of the school.
Leaders ensure that staff receive the right training to promote high-quality learning in this area of the school's work. Pupils have a mature understanding of the importance of tolerance and equality. Pupils are interested to learn about other cultures and faiths.
They know how to look after their mental and physical health.
Governors are knowledgeable about the context of the school and its priorities. They bring a range of experience to their roles and challenge and support leaders effectively.
Staff appreciate the support offered by the senior leadership team and the governors.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and governors are aware of their responsibilities regarding safeguarding.
All staff have received appropriate training. They are vigilant and confident to identify and report any concerns they have. Leaders develop purposeful relationships with parents and outside agencies to secure the best possible outcomes for pupils.
Robust recruitment procedures ensure that the right staff and leaders are appointed. The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to gain the knowledge they need to help keep themselves safe when online. Leaders provide additional advice to parents.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, the teaching of the curriculum does not support pupils to reach the intended curriculum goals. Therefore, pupils do not build a sufficient depth of knowledge in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that teachers have the expertise to make the right choices to teach the curriculum as planned.
• In some subjects, teachers' use of assessment is not fully developed. As a result, gaps in pupils' knowledge of important curriculum content are not identified. Leaders should ensure that assessment identifies precisely how successfully pupils have learned the curriculum so that this can be used to inform future planning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.