Red Rose Primary School

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About Red Rose Primary School

Name Red Rose Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Angela Brinton
Address York Terrace, Chester le Street, DH3 3NA
Phone Number 01913886251
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 306
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this exceptionally caring school. Every morning, pupils are greeted by friendly staff.

Everyone is welcome. Pupils respect each other. Pupils say, 'it doesn't matter if you're different, because everyone is unique in their own way.'

Pupils are safe. They know that staff are always on hand to help resolve any problems.

The school has high expectations for all pupils.

Learning begins straight away when pupils arrive in the morning. Pupils follow the school's well-established routines consistently, including children in the early years. Pupils behave extremely well in lessons.

They strive to meet the school's high standards an...d help each other to do so. The school has a well-structured curriculum. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning.

They achieve well.

The school's work to develop pupils' character is exemplary. There is a carefully structured curriculum for personal development.

Pupils develop confidence and independence as they progress through the school. Older pupils are superb role models. Pupils demonstrate kindness and a sense of responsibility.

The school's reward system helps to build the strong relationships seen in the school. Pupils are proud to collect rewards, called 'gems,' for their class. The school ensures anyone who is feeling sad is supported effectively.

For example, there are peer mentors who look after the well-being of other pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious for all. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

There are detailed plans for each subject. These plans have been carefully considered to ensure they are well-sequenced. It is clear, on these plans, how pupils' knowledge will build up from Reception to Year 6.

Teachers regularly check what pupils know and can do. The school's checks on how well pupils remember important knowledge in English and mathematics are highly effective. In these subjects, pupils are well prepared for future learning.

Pupils move onto new learning confidently. They achieve exceptionally well in reading, writing and mathematics. In a small number of foundation subjects, the school does not know, precisely enough, how well pupils remember what they have been taught.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils love to read. They enjoy choosing the class book for daily story time.

Children learn phonics from the start in Reception. Staff teach phonics very well. Pupils learn how to use the letters and sounds they make, to spell unfamiliar words.

They read books that are well-matched to the words and letter sounds that they know. Staff identify pupils who need extra help with reading. These pupils receive effective support.

Pupils quickly become fluent readers. They read from a wide range of quality texts. Some pupils act as 'reading buddies.'

These pupils enjoy helping younger readers find favourite books.

Pupils learn ambitious specialist vocabulary in each subject. Staff are quick to reinforce pupils' understanding of difficult words.

For example, older pupils discuss the meaning of 'anaesthetic' and 'cryogenic,' in a reading lesson. Pupils are confident to use these words in science lessons later.

The school has high expectations for pupils with SEND.

The school's systems for identifying the specific needs of pupils with SEND are thorough. For example, staff visit nursery providers to ensure the right support is in place for children when they join Reception. Leaders' work with professionals such as educational psychologists, is highly effective.

Pupils with SEND get the help they need to learn alongside their peers in class. Pupils with SEND achieve very well.

The school's values help pupils understand how to succeed in life outside of school.

For example, pupils learn the importance of determination. Pupils who struggle to manage strong emotions are supported effectively by staff. Pupils learn how to concentrate in lessons.

They attend school very well. The school works closely with parents and carers to remove any barriers that might exist to high attendance.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary.

The school makes careful links between subjects such as physical education (PE) and opportunities to develop and stretch pupils' talents. For instance, many pupils enjoy swimming competitively for the school. Most pupils learn to swim at least 25 metres before they leave the school.

The curriculum for outdoor education supports children's physical development in Reception. For example, children develop their core muscle strength by safely carrying large items in the outdoor area. The school has numerous opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles.

These include, eco leaders, school counsellors and house captains. Pupils are proud to have raised funds to purchase resources to support pupils with SEND in the new 'sensory room.'

Staff enjoy working at the school.

Leaders are considerate of staff's workload. Staff value the high-quality resources available to support teaching. Governors understand their role.

They visit the school regularly. Governors ensure that the actions taken by the school benefit all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of foundation subjects across the curriculum, the school is unclear precisely how well pupils are remembering important knowledge over time. This means that some learning does not deepen pupils' knowledge as well as it should. The school should ensure that checks on pupils' knowledge support pupils to achieve exceptionally well in foundation subjects across the curriculum.

Also at this postcode
Mains House @ Red Rose

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