Redden Court School

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About Redden Court School

Name Redden Court School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Anthony Henry
Address Cotswold Road, Harold Wood, Romford, RM3 0TS
Phone Number 01708342293
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1019
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish here. They work hard in class and take their education seriously.

Leaders have high expectations of all pupils' achievement. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are exceptionally well supported.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary.

Pupils are motivated by rewards for showing their positive attitudes, such as trying hard in class or being helpful around the school. They are polite and respectful and readily celebrate their peers' successes. Pupils are happy and safe.

Pastoral staff work with pupils to quickly resolve conflicts. When bullying does happen, leaders are quick to address it.

The provis...ion for pupils' wider development is exceptionally well thought through.

The curriculum to encourage pupils' personal and social development and build character is well established. The school's wider-enrichment programme gives pupils the opportunity to deepen their interests and develop their confidence. They learn new skills that will equip them well for their next steps in education.

Older pupils are role models for the younger pupils in the school. Leaders ensure there are a wide range of opportunities for pupils to take on leadership responsibilities. This includes roles as school prefects, anti-bullying ambassadors and peer mentors.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders ensure that all pupils study a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. The majority of pupils study English, mathematics, science, humanities and a modern foreign language in Years 10 and 11, the English Baccalaureate range of subjects. Pupils are determined to succeed.

Their exceptional behaviour means that there is little disruption to learning in class.

Teachers know the needs of pupils with SEND very well. They provide effective support to help these pupils to access the full curriculum.

Pupils in the specially resourced provision study the full range of national curriculum subjects throughout Years 7 to 9. The support and guidance they receive from specialist teachers and expert support staff fully prepares them for their next steps in education.

Leaders have carefully sequenced the curriculum to build up pupils' understanding of key subject content knowledge and skills.

They have thought about the order in which pupils should learn foundational knowledge. Pupils build the knowledge they need cumulatively. This supports them to use their learning to complete increasingly challenging work.

For example, in science, leaders have organised the sequence of practical work so that it successfully helps pupils to deepen their skills in designing experiments to test their ideas and analysing the results.

Teachers are subject experts. Their explanations are clear.

Teachers encourage pupils to discuss their learning and make links between their new learning and what they have learned previously. They use highly effective questioning to check what pupils know and can remember.

Assessment is consistently well used across the curriculum.

Teachers use assessment to identify misconceptions and to help pupils to improve their work. For example, in design and technology, pupils in Years 7 to 9 learn increasingly sophisticated ways to evaluate and modify their own designs.

Leaders have made sure that pupils in Years 7 to 11 love to read widely and often.

Staff help pupils to select books to read that match their reading ability. In English, pupils study challenging texts. Leaders have picked authors from a range of backgrounds to widen pupils' cultural experience.

Pupils who struggle to read are given the additional help they need to improve their fluency and confidence.

Pupils are encouraged to give their views. Pupils in the school council and other leadership roles meet with leaders to discuss ways to improve the school.

Pupils develop their wider talents and interest through the extensive after-school club programme. All pupils are encouraged to attend at least one each week.

Leaders have introduced a programme of extra-curricular events through the year.

Pupils take part in enterprise activities, educational outings and activities to develop their understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Leaders have embedded careers education throughout the curriculum. Pupils hear from a range of visiting speakers and receive timely guidance to help them make decisions for their futures and prepare for adulthood.

Leaders work with staff continuously to improve the school. Staff receive regular professional training to develop their skills. Teachers in the early stages of their careers are particularly well supported.

Leaders help staff to manage their workloads. They consider the well-being of staff when making decisions about the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have a clear understanding of the risks that pupils in the school face. Staff are alert to the signs that pupils may be at risk of harm. Leaders ensure that all staff have received appropriate safeguarding training.

They work effectively with a range of agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families. Leaders carry out appropriate safeguarding checks when recruiting new staff.

Leaders work proactively with pupils to give them the knowledge they need to stay safe.

Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe online and ways to support their mental health. They gain an age-appropriate understanding of sexual harassment and consent. Pupils said that staff in the school care about them and trust them to help if they ask for it.

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