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It's ok to be you,' said one pupil, describing their welcoming and inclusive school.
Pupils say they enjoy their learning and are happy to be here. Parents and carers appreciate the warm family atmosphere at Redlands.
Leaders create a calm and orderly environment in the school.
Pupils behave well. They concentrate and focus on their learning. Pupils have positive relationships with staff.
Pupils told inspectors that behaviour is good most of the time. They said that staff deal quickly with any incidents of bullying. They know that if they have any worries or concerns, adults will help them to sort it out.
Pupils enjoy visits to historical p...laces, residentials and a wide range of clubs. They are proud to represent their school at music and sports events. Pupils demonstrate school values, for instance responsibility and respect.
They enjoy being peer interpreters or corridor monitors.
The new school leaders have set high expectations and are determined to improve the curriculum. This is improving.
However, they know there is more to do so pupils know and remember more. This includes disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Over time, leaders had not ensured that the quality of education was good in all subjects.
New leaders have reviewed and revised the curriculum. They want pupils to know more and remember more so they achieve well in all subjects. Improvements in all subjects are underway.
This is recent, particularly for foundation subjects.
Senior leaders intend that subject leaders will make appropriate checks in their subject areas. This is only just beginning.
Therefore, leaders do not yet know what is working well and what needs to improve across different subjects.
Reading is a priority for the school. Leaders have ensured well-chosen texts are at the heart of the curriculum from Nursery to Year 6.
Teachers explain the complex language pupils encounter in books. Teachers read to pupils every day. They nurture a love of reading.
Leaders have made sure that phonics is taught well from the start of Reception. The Nursery curriculum provides carefully considered opportunities to improve children's readiness for reading. Pupils receive books that match their reading ability.
However, there are pupils across the school who struggle to read. They have not kept up with their peers over time. They do not always receive the right support to help them catch up quickly enough.
In mathematics, teachers follow an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. Teachers know the subject well. This enables them to spot pupils' errors or misconceptions quickly.
Teachers use regular assessment checks. They quickly identify any mathematical knowledge that pupils need to revisit. They use resources well to help pupils use their knowledge to solve problems.
Access to the curriculum is variable for some pupils with SEND. Sensitive and careful support is helping pupils to be ready to learn in the classroom. However, leaders do not always identify well enough the most crucial missing knowledge for all pupils with SEND, so that they can provide precise support.
As a result, some pupils with SEND do not make the progress that they should.
Children in the early years get off to a good start. Relationships are warm and positive between adults and children.
Children join in well with interesting and purposeful activities. Adults ask questions and guide children to build on their learning. Leaders place a high priority on developing children's language.
They give extra help to children who are new to English. The revised curriculum is clear about important knowledge in early years. Children are remembering more of what will prepare them well for Year 1 and beyond.
Leaders prioritise pupils' well-being. Pupils are encouraged to show perseverance and build their confidence. They are respectful of each other and adults alike.
They learn about different beliefs and family structures. Pupils have a clear understanding of right and wrong.
Staff are proud to work here.
They value the strong team ethos. Staff feel leaders treat them fairly and with respect. Leaders continue to find ways to streamline procedures to improve workload.
Staff say that they are well supported by the headteachers, governors and colleagues.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders put pupils' welfare first.
They ensure that the curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to learn how to stay safe, including when online. Pupils know who to go to if they have a concern and that staff take their concerns seriously.
Staff know how to spot pupils who may be at risk of harm.
They pass on concerns promptly. Leaders provide regular training for staff and governors. Recruitment processes are thorough.
Leaders work well with external agencies to secure additional help when needed. Governors are diligent in checking safeguarding procedures.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Pupils who are at the earliest stages of learning to read do not receive precise teaching of the school's early reading programme.
This hinders them from learning to read quickly and efficiently. It does not help them to keep up with their peers. Leaders must ensure that all pupils who are at the earliest stage of reading receive the most effective methods to help them to learn to read.
• Leaders have revised the curriculum in all subjects. The revised curriculum sets out the key knowledge and skills pupils should acquire, in all year groups. Staff have begun to deliver the revised curriculum from September 2022.
They do not yet have a clear picture of the full impact of the curriculum on pupils' learning. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum supports pupils' ability to know and remember more over time, year on year. ? Leaders are still developing some aspects of their leadership skills, particularly checking how well the curriculum is being implemented.
As a result, they are not yet identifying precisely what is going well and what actions are needed to improve the delivery of the curriculum further. Senior leaders should provide subject leaders with support and training to improve their skills in monitoring the implementation of the curriculum so they can identify how it could be developed further. ? Leaders do not ensure that all pupils with SEND access the curriculum well enough.
Leaders have not established rigorous systems to assess and meet these pupils' individual needs. As a result, pupils with SEND do not always benefit from a good-quality education. Leaders should make sure that all pupils with SEND receive the support they need to enable them to access the full curriculum and achieve as highly as they should.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.