Redriff Primary, City of London Academy

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About Redriff Primary, City of London Academy

Name Redriff Primary, City of London Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Joanna James
Address Salter Road, Rotherhithe, London, SE16 5LQ
Phone Number 02072374272
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 496
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at this school. They are proud to share their learning and show excitement when they talk about their school community.

The school has high expectations for all pupils. Pupils enjoy an exciting curriculum which embraces the heritage of the community. For example, pupils get to learn about the importance of the Docklands through London's history.

Pupils clearly value where they live and the diversity that exists within the school community. Pupils demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning and achieve well.

Innovative ideas for playtimes create a joyful, happy environment.

For example, pupils enjoy dressing up, role play and an range of games. Pupils respect and value each other. Staff and pupils share positive and warm working relationships.

Pupils feel safe and know that they can communicate any worries to staff. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Everyone looks out for each other and behaviour throughout the school is calm and positive.

The school offers exceptional opportunities for pupils' personal development. Pupils enjoy their positions of responsibility and strive to make a difference to school life. The school council works with leaders to ensure that pupils' ideas are heard.

For example, school councillors recently worked with the school chef to create a new menu. A wealth of visits enhances the curriculum, including outings to local museums and parks.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is ambitious and carefully sequenced.

It allows pupils to build up their knowledge, skills and use of vocabulary over time. Children in the early years receive a strong foundation to their school life. The stimulating learning environment encourages children to be curious about their learning.

Children focus for sustained periods and show resilience in their problem-solving. For instance, children in the Nursery worked together impressively to find the right building blocks for a tower they were constructing.

Leaders make sure that staff have the support and training they need to enable all pupils to access the curriculum and learn well.

Staff are highly skilled at identifying and meeting pupils' needs, including those with SEND. Throughout the school, staff use a range of approaches consistently to support pupils' learning. For example, staff use different communication systems which enable all pupils to share their answers, points of view and emotions.

Staff present information clearly to pupils. They provide pupils with different opportunities to show what they know. For example, in mathematics, some pupils used practical resources to show the answers to their calculations while others recorded these in their workbooks.

Teachers' subject knowledge is strong and used effectively to support pupils to learn the curriculum content. In lessons, teachers check pupils' understanding and address any misconceptions that arise. Staff provide a range of additional support to ensure that pupils keep up with their learning.

Throughout the school, staff make the most of opportunities to support pupils' language and communication. The impact of this could be seen in pupils' answers and in their discussions. In all year groups, teachers introduce pupils to a wide range of high-quality and ambitious texts.

In Year 6, for example, pupils used different texts, including newspaper articles, to think about and discuss the effects of an oil spill. Pupils in Reception and Year 1 learn to read through a consistently delivered phonics programme. Teachers check pupils' understanding regularly and make sure pupils have books which are well matched to their phonics knowledge.

A shared understanding of the school values creates a positive environment for learning. Pupils' behaviour throughout the school is exemplary. Leaders have established positive and productive partnerships with parents and carers.

Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's work. Rates of pupils' attendance are high.

Pupils celebrate differences.

They support and encourage peers with different needs to their own. Pupils get to take on different responsibilities in school. For example, pupils in Year 6 help to plan different special events, including those which celebrate diversity.

The curriculum is enhanced by a variety of enrichment opportunities. For example, pupils get to visit places of worship, take part in residential trips and proudly represent their school at tournaments and music events.

The trust and those responsible for governance have a secure understanding of the school's strengths and priorities for improvement.

They share leaders' high expectations for all aspects of the school's work. Staff are supported through well-planned professional development opportunities. For example, subject leaders routinely help other staff to enhance their understanding of different parts of the curriculum.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They value the collaborative work and support of leaders and colleagues.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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