Redscope Primary School

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About Redscope Primary School

Name Redscope Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Alison Bradbury
Address Kimberworth Park Road, Rotherham, S61 3JT
Phone Number 01709740350
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 444
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Communication and relationships are at the heart of Redscope Primary School. This supports staff, pupils and parents to work together.

Leaders have high ambitions for pupils. What is more, the curriculum includes many educational visits and activities to encourage pupils' personal development. Pupils have frequent opportunities to develop their interests.

Leaders ensure that these experiences are purposeful. Experiences range from camping on the school field to completing sponsored walks.

Leaders focus on developing pupils' communication skills.

Pupils get the opportunity to apply what they learn in discussions. There is a considered personal, social... and health education curriculum. This supports pupils to develop their character.

Leaders change lessons to align to pupils' lives. They learn how to be responsible citizens. This includes meeting local litter picking groups and environmental groups.

Pupils are tolerant and respectful.

Pupils feel safe. They state that if they have any concerns, there is an adult they can speak to.

Pupils say that adults take their concerns and worries seriously, and that any issues or problems get sorted out. Bullying is rare. Pupils understand how their choices and actions can affect others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Reading is prioritised in school. Pupils are encouraged to read. Leaders have invested in high-quality texts.

This includes fiction and non-fiction texts. Pupils take part in school-wide reading events and competitions. They are proud to receive rewards and certificates for engaging in these activities.

Adults support pupils in small-group reading sessions, such as their daily 'guided reading' sessions. This allows pupils to practise under their teacher's watchful eyes. They become confident, fluent readers.

At times, some pupils struggle with reading. These pupils access extra reading and fluency lessons, which are fun and engaging. As a result, pupils who struggle enjoy learning to read.

Leaders assess what pupils learn in reading, writing and mathematics. These systems are effective. Leaders are developing ways to check what pupils know and can do in other subjects.

Leaders have made recent changes to the curriculum. They have high ambitions for pupils. The changes to the curriculum reflect these ambitions.

The curriculum is clear and purposeful. Leaders have mapped out intended learning in a clear and logical order. Leaders' ambition is to support pupils to build on prior learning.

However, subject leaders are not currently checking the quality of this effectively. As a result, teaching can be inconsistent in subjects such as science and art.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same curriculum as their peers.

Teachers adapt activities so that these pupils are successful.Personal development is exceptional. Pupils access a range of clubs and a large number of trips and experiences.

They have opportunities to take on leadership roles which contribute to school life. School leaders are proud of the changes they have made to the school. These opportunities develop pupils' character.

One pupil stated, 'We are all different in our class, but as a team, we fit together and support each other.' This reflects how the pupils in the school think and conduct themselves. They have an embedded level of awareness, tolerance and responsibility.

Leaders ensure that children get a good start to their education in early years. Children access activities that are engaging and interesting. However, at times, they do not get the chance to practise what they have learned in mathematics.

As a result, children are not able to develop their knowledge as effectively as they could.

Leaders have put in steps that support positive behaviour. This includes making changes for pupils with specific behaviour needs.

Pupils state that these steps help them to make the right choices. Pupils respect each other. They work together and listen to one another.

Pupils behave well in lessons and at breaktimes.Governance is a strength. Governors and trustees have an accurate understanding of the school.

They have the skills and commitment needed to support and develop the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff understand their responsibilities for keeping children safe.

Leaders work well with other agencies. They ensure that families and pupils receive highly effective support. Leaders ensure that systems of recording and reporting concerns are in place.

They make sure that staff receive regular and comprehensive training. Leaders have completed safer recruitment training. They ensure that all visitors to the school have undergone the correct checks.

Pupils know how to stay safe online and offline. Governors are aware of their responsibilities and fulfil these. They access appropriate training to support the staff in safeguarding pupils.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders are not checking the implementation of the newly developed curriculum effectively. As a result, there is some variability in teaching, including in art and science. Leaders need to ensure that systems of checking the quality of the delivery of the curriculum are embedded so that learning across the curriculum is consistent and even more effective.

• The process of assessing what pupils know and remember in foundation subjects is not always as effective as it could be. As a result, leaders are not able to identify impact of recent changes to the curriculum and identify any next steps. Leaders need to ensure that the assessments clearly align to the key knowledge they want pupils to know and remember, so that leaders can evaluate impact and make any changes needed to improve the curriculum.

• Children in the early years do not get enough opportunities to learn and rehearse in mathematics. As a result, pupils are not learning as much as they could. Leaders need to ensure the provision provides opportunities to rehearse and embed mathematical understanding so that they are in the best position to access learning in year 1.

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