Rhodes Avenue Primary School

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About Rhodes Avenue Primary School

Name Rhodes Avenue Primary School
Website http://www.rhodes.haringey.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Maria Panayiotou
Address Rhodes Avenue, London, N22 7UT
Phone Number 02088882859
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 697
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school.

The environment is safe and somewhere pupils can thrive. Pupils learn how to keep safe, for example when using the internet. Online safety is carefully woven through learning in all curriculum subjects.

Attitudes to behaviour are highly respectful. Teachers talk to pupils 'on the level'. There are rarely raised voices anywhere in the school.

Pupils are equally well engaged and eager to take part in all learning. Their behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Pupils said that bullying is not tolerated at all.

They know that staff would deal quickly with any issues that did occur.

Le...aders have high expectations and ambition for all pupils. Pupils are mature, hard-working and achieve highly.

Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) follow a carefully planned curriculum. It is ambitious and adapted to provide a highly personalised approach to their learning.

Pupils know that their ideas are listened to.

They enjoy carrying out the responsibilities they are given. For example, they care for the school chickens and guinea pigs. Eggs are collected each day for breakfast club and the animals' care is part of pupils' school experience.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils need to know. In computing, for example, pupils in Years 5 and 6 progress from using basic software to more sophisticated programming language. In science, pupils easily recall detailed key knowledge from previous years and can relate this to their current learning.

For example, when discussing electricity and batteries, Year 4 pupils linked this to previous learning about magnetism from Year 3.

Leaders and teachers are highly knowledgeable. They know exactly where their lessons fit into subject overviews, both within the year group and across the school.

Early reading is prioritised right from the start. The strong and well-embedded phonics programme helps children learn to read at the earliest opportunity. Reading books are carefully matched to the sounds pupils know in Reception and key stage 1.

Those who are at risk of falling behind are identified quickly, and supported to become confident, fluent readers. Staff are deployed effectively to ensure pupils catch up quickly.A strong reading culture is evident across the school.

Both daily storytelling and the careful choice of all reading materials encourage pupils' love of reading.The mathematics curriculum is equally ambitious. Early mathematics is planned and sequenced well with the support of specialist staff.

Careful thought is given to the small steps needed to deepen pupils' learning of number. This approach is consistent from the early years to Year 6. This ensures that everyone makes excellent progress through the curriculum.

The use of assessment is highly effective in checking what pupils are learning. For example, in the early years, staff accurately pinpoint individual learning needs. This information is shared across the team, so all adults can support children's learning and development more effectively.

Pupils with SEND are well supported through a carefully planned and adapted curriculum. Extra support allows these pupils to benefit from a highly personalised approach that takes into account their individual needs. Teachers are highly aware of pupils' specific needs.

They know which strategies are needed for these pupils to succeed in learning the curriculum.

A relentless focus on learning and knowledge in lessons plays an important part in the school's ethos and quality of behaviour. Disruptions to learning rarely happen.

Pupils show high levels of respect to others. They are kind and considerate, and they listen to their friends. Children in the early years are highly motivated.

They demonstrate strong levels of engagement across all areas of learning.

The school's curriculum for personal, social, health and economic education is strong. It is responsive to pupils' needs and ages.

Pupils learn about important topics, which are chosen to support their preparation for their future lives in modern Britain. For example, pupils are taught about equality and diversity, including different kinds of families. Pupils' mature and confident attitudes when discussing these topics is quite exceptional.

Leaders and governors understand their roles. They are committed to school improvement. All have a detailed understanding of the school's strengths, together with the areas they want to improve further.

Staff are highly positive about the school leadership. They are happy working here and talk about the open culture of dialogue, where all voices are heard. Leaders have created an ambitious culture that puts pupils' learning at the centre of all they do.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff know their responsibilities for safeguarding. It is always high on leaders' agenda.

Effective procedures are in place to ensure that staff and governors are fully aware of current issues and requirements.

Leaders are proactive in identifying early any needs and concerns. They monitor any safeguarding issues rigorously and follow up any cases effectively with outside agencies.

Behaviour and safeguarding logs are analysed to ensure that any trends are identified and acted upon.

Safeguarding is woven carefully and strategically into the curriculum. Pupils speak confidently and knowledgeably about a range of topics linked to safeguarding.

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