Rhyl Community Primary School

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About Rhyl Community Primary School

Name Rhyl Community Primary School
Website http://www.rhylprim.camden.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Helen Connor
Address Rhyl Street, London, NW5 3HB
Phone Number 02074854899
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 402
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this safe, nurturing and inclusive school. Staff and pupils are happy and extremely proud to be members of their school community. Pupils' learning gets off to a strong start in the early years.

This high-quality provision continues throughout the school.

Leaders have high aspirations for everyone. Staff know the pupils very well and give them the precise support they need to flourish.

This is especially true for disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who receive excellent support and guidance. They routinely strive to meet teachers' high standards and achieve very well as a result..../>
Leaders are hugely committed to the pupils and their families.

They go above and beyond to provide a great deal of support for the community. The school has developed an impressive provision for pupils' personal development. As well as a wide range of educational visits, residentials and experiences, the school also sets up many industry partnerships to inspire purpose and ambition in pupils.

For example, in their 'community kitchen', they learn about different career paths, such as being a sushi chef, as well as getting practical experience of making sushi. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain and supported to be successful in their later lives.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum with a clearly defined view of what pupils should learn over their time at Rhyl Primary.

Leaders have broken down key subject content into small chunks, which helps pupils to learn crucial knowledge and skills in a logical order. The curriculum is set out so that pupils routinely revisit and consolidate what they have learned before. This means they are well prepared to then move on to more complex ideas.

This approach starts in the early years, where children gain a solid foundation that ensures they are well prepared for the next stages of their education. Highly skilled staff use every opportunity to reinforce and revisit learning, both when children are at play and when taking part in focused activities.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge and use skilful questioning.

This enables them to reinforce key concepts and knowledge, and deal with misconceptions.The provision for all pupils, including those with complex needs, is impressive. Leaders waste no time in identifying children who may need additional support in the early years as well as those who start at the school in other year groups.

Teachers adapt their approach for pupils with SEND exceptionally well. Expert staff support pupils with SEND in accessing and achieving the high ambitions of the curriculum.

Learning to read and becoming a fluent reader are absolute priorities for the school.

Skilled staff help pupils to decode words and develop into fluent readers. Regular assessment allows staff to identify and address any gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge. Teachers make sure that pupils read books that match the sounds they are learning.

There is a sharp focus on ensuring that pupils who need extra help to keep up benefit from daily additional support. Leaders select ambitious core texts as the foundation of the curriculum to ensure that each year group is exposed to a broad and rich range of literature. A well-stocked library and reading assemblies encourage pupils to read widely and often, developing their love for reading.

From the early years, children learn to show a positive attitude towards their learning. Pupils are taught that they should treat others with respect, even if they have different beliefs or backgrounds. Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and around the school.

This is because expectations are clear and are consistently applied. Bullying is extremely rare and is dealt with well when it does happen. Leaders have high ambitions for pupils' attendance, which is improving.

Pupils receive appropriate support on the rare occasions when their behaviour or attendance does not match the high expectations of staff.

The school is committed to ensuring that pupils receive a rich all-round school experience, both within and beyond the academic curriculum. Leaders provide a wide range of clubs as well as trips to museums, zoos, places of worship and galleries.

Year 6 pupils enjoy a residential to a nature reserve and some pupils spend a week on a working farm. Pupils are provided with plentiful opportunities to learn about different careers and professions, as well as life skills such as money management. They are also trusted with positions of responsibility.

These include the junior leadership team, eco-warriors, anti-bullying champions and well-being champions.

Leaders at all levels have an unwavering commitment to providing the very best education for all and are continuously seeking ways to refine the school's offer. Governors make a very significant contribution to the school's drive for excellence.

They have a thorough understanding of the school, hold leaders to account effectively and make time to visit the school regularly. Staff feel valued and appreciated, irrespective of their role.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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