Ridgeway Primary School

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About Ridgeway Primary School

Name Ridgeway Primary School
Website http://www.ridgewayprimary.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Iain Wilson
Address Main Road, Ridgeway, Sheffield, S12 3XR
Phone Number 01142486249
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 175
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils and parents and carers speak positively about the school. Pupils praise the 'really good teachers'. They say that lessons are interesting and fun.

Parents whose children have recently joined the school say that staff have gone 'above and beyond' to help their children settle. These comments echo the school's vision to prioritise 'every child, every day'.

Pupils say that they feel safe at school.

They understand how to protect themselves from bullying and online dangers. Pupils feel sure that staff will react quickly and kindly to any issues that may arise. The 'kindness kids' are there to help anyone who is upset at playtimes.

Behaviour is goo...d, in lessons and around school. In lessons, pupils are enthusiastic, resilient learners. They can explain the importance of 'never giving up' if something is tricky.

Children in the early years follow routines sensibly and calmly.

Pupils enjoy a range of activities to support their wider development. Some belong to after-school clubs such as for sports and music.

Everyone is proud of the school's involvement in the community allotment. All year groups have the chance to tend a patch, to grow fruit and vegetables. This promotes teamwork and enhances areas of the curriculum, such as science.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have acted quickly to address the recommendations from the last inspection. They prioritised safeguarding and the curriculum as key areas of focus. Over the past year, leaders have reviewed and revised the curriculum in all subjects.

The curriculum now sets out the important knowledge and skills that pupils should gain, and when, from the early years to Year 6.

Curriculum leaders are in place, across all subjects. However, some are new to their roles and lack experience in leadership.

Some leaders have not yet carried out checks on how well teachers are teaching their subjects. Some leaders require further training so that they can provide support and guidance to teachers.

Leaders and staff welcome pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to the school.

The school has an inclusive, caring culture. The special educational needs coordinator liaises with school staff and parents to identify and address pupils' needs. Leaders plan to strengthen the provision for pupils with SEND.

At the last inspection, leaders were asked to ensure that the curriculum is equally ambitious for all pupils. Leaders have not yet checked that this is the case in all subjects.

Reading is a high priority at the school.

Leaders and staff encourage pupils to develop a love of reading, through activities such as community 'book quests' and 'secret readers' with parents. Pupils in all classes enjoy using the revitalised school library. Children begin daily phonics sessions as soon as they join the Reception class.

Leaders introduced a new systematic phonics programme in January 2022. Staff say that this is going well. They feel confident in delivering phonics sessions because they have been well trained.

Pupils read from books that match their phonics knowledge. They are developing well as fluent readers.

In mathematics, teachers adopt a consistent approach in lessons.

They follow the school's 'know it, learn it, use it, prove it, master it' sequence in lessons. As a result of this systematic approach, pupils are keen and confident learners. They can talk about how they apply what they already know when learning new concepts.

Leaders and staff promote pupils' broader development well, through the curriculum and beyond. Staff encourage pupils to take on roles such as being members of the school council and being 'mini leaders'. These opportunities help pupils to develop as caring, responsible individuals.

Pupils learn about a wide range of faiths and cultures. This helps them to become aware of the spiritual and moral issues that people face. Pupils speak thoughtfully about the importance of respecting everyone equally.

Staff praise the care and support for their well-being shown by leaders and governors. Staff recognise that their workload is demanding; however, they work together as a supportive team. Governors share leaders' vision for the school.

They have been an effective driving force in enabling the recent improvements to the curriculum and safeguarding.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders say that pupils' safety is 'at the centre of everything'.

Safeguarding is the top priority for all adults at the school. Leaders have strengthened their systems for gathering information and recording concerns, in response to the last inspection. Records now show that all concerns are noted in detail, without delay, and that leaders act quickly in response.

Governors check the school's safeguarding systems regularly, as part of their statutory duties.

Pupils say that they feel safe and well cared for. They receive teaching about how to stay safe, through the personal, social and health education curriculum.

Older pupils learn about issues such as drugs and gang culture.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some curriculum leaders are inexperienced or new to their roles. They are not consistently skilled in providing guidance for teachers as they implement the revised curriculum.

Some have not yet checked the impact of the curriculum on pupils' learning. This includes checking whether the curriculum is equally ambitious for pupils with SEND. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders develop the skill and experience to gain an accurate view of how well the curriculum enables all pupils to know and remember more over time.

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