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Pupils thrive at this school. They are happy and safe here.
Relationships between staff and pupils are very positive. Through the school's well-understood values, pupils are taught to be kind, respectful and a good friend. They treat each other well and value the highly supportive adults in the school.
The school expects pupils to work hard and try their best. Pupils live up to these expectations admirably. Pupils are highly motivated and love learning.
This includes the very youngest children in early years, who focus well and listen attentively. Pupils achieve well, particularly in subjects such as mathematics and reading.
Pupils' behaviour is exce...llent.
They enjoy taking a lead in making school life even better. For example, pupil play leaders make sure that everyone can join in with games at lunchtime. The eco council takes its role of looking after the school environment very seriously.
Pupils are rightly proud of the tangible contribution they make to their school.
Pupils love their diverse school community. They are highly respectful of people's different faiths, cultures and ways of life.
Everyone is welcome and included here. Pupils have impressively mature attitudes. As one pupil said, 'You have to walk in someone else's shoes before you judge them.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school, well supported by the trust and those responsible for governance, has established a clear vision for high-quality education and the broader development of the 'River Mill' child. A collaborative and supportive staff culture is firmly in place. Staff receive training which helps them to develop in their roles.
The school's curriculum is ambitious and well considered. Starting in early years, the essential knowledge that pupils should learn is clearly set out. Teachers ensure that pupils' learning carefully builds on what they already know.
However, in a couple of subjects, the curriculum is not planned with the same high degree of precision as in the strongest. This means that occasionally, pupils do not develop a consistently deep level of learning. While pupils' achievement is strong across all subjects, in a couple, it could be even better.
Teachers carefully select activities that support pupils' learning well, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff understand pupils' individual needs well. They know what works best for pupils with SEND to be successful in their learning.
These pupils are well supported to learn the full curriculum.
In early years, children make a great start to their education. They quickly develop confidence in numbers, writing and social skills, cooperating very well with each other.
Regular visits to forest club help to deepen children's understanding of the world around them.
Learning to read well is a priority. Pupils quickly develop a love of reading.
This starts in nursery, where children have regular opportunities to share stories and rhymes. Pupils are taught the sounds they need to become independent and fluent readers. Staff are well trained.
They focus on developing pupils' vocabulary and comprehension. This means that almost all pupils, including those who speak English as an additional language, can quickly develop confidence. Older pupils read an impressively wide range of books.
Pupils' personal development is exceptional. The school provides extremely strong welfare and pastoral support. Through the curriculum, pupils are taught very effectively about relationships, growing up and keeping safe.
They have a keen understanding of managing risk, including when online. Pupils enjoy attending a wide range of extra-curricular activities, such as choir, football and chess. These help to develop pupils' talents and interests very well.
The school ensures that the personal development of disadvantaged pupils is a top priority. For example, many pupils, including those with SEND, learn to play a variety of musical instruments. Pupils' character development is very well considered.
The 'I can do' award celebrates pupils' achievements and acts of helpfulness, both inside and outside school. Pupils develop impressive confidence, empathy, respect and understanding. They are very well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils conduct themselves impeccably. The school has established clear and consistent routines, meaning that even the youngest children know exactly what is expected. Skilled staff support pupils with SEND effectively to make sure that they are ready for learning.
Pupils are keen to do well and misbehaviour is very rare.
Almost all parents endorse the work of the school. Many recognise the school's important role in promoting the well-being and safety of their children.
One parent, summing up the view of many, commented, 'Teachers take the time to ensure each child develops and has a fantastic, broad learning experience.'
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a couple of subjects, the curriculum is not as precisely designed as in the strongest.
This means that pupils are not always taught the most important knowledge well enough. While pupils achieve well, they could do even better. The school should ensure that all subjects are planned and delivered with the same high degree of precision.