Riverside Primary School

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About Riverside Primary School

Name Riverside Primary School
Website http://www.riverside.southwark.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Co Headteacher J Lewis S Alder
Address Janeway Street, London, SE16 4PS
Phone Number 02072373227
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 293
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Riverside is a happy community. Pupils arrive at school full of enthusiasm for the day ahead.

They behave exceptionally well. They are friendly and welcoming. They feel part of a 'family' at school and know that they are safe and well cared for.

As one pupil put it, 'There's always someone to talk to.'

Leaders, staff and governors want the very best for pupils and have high expectations of them. Right from the early years, pupils develop secure knowledge across the curriculum and as they move through the school.

Pupils achieve well, and especially so in English and mathematics.

Pupils have a wonderfully positive attitude to learning. They w...ork hard in lessons and always try their best.

Relationships between staff and pupils are caring and respectful. Pupils get on well together. Bullying is rare, and pupils are confident that if it happens, it is sorted out quickly by staff.

Pupils enjoy a range of after-school clubs, such as basketball and football, and these activities aim to support their personal development. Members of the school choir are proud to perform in the local community and school council members enjoy their responsibilities. Pupils fondly recall educational visits that they have been on, including to the British Museum and the Natural History Museum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has successfully implemented an ambitious and broad curriculum. In early years, children settle quickly and are enthusiastic about learning. Staff make learning fun, focusing on helping children to be keen and motivated to learn.

They plan activities which develop children's communication and language skills very well. Staff nurture a love of reading right from the start. For example, staff select a wide range of high-quality books to share with children.

Children learn songs and rhymes to support their learning. The curriculum also enables children to develop early mathematical knowledge and skills securely and quickly. By the end of early years, children are more than ready to take on the demands of the Year 1 curriculum.

Across subjects, the curriculum ensures that pupils build up their knowledge and skills securely. For example, in science, pupils use what they have learned previously in order to master new concepts. Over time, they strengthen their knowledge and skills in different aspects of science, such as in observing, evaluating and comparing.

Staff are very well supported by the school in implementing the curriculum. For example, subject leaders provide training for staff to keep their practice and skills up to date. Teachers are clear about what they want pupils to learn in each subject.

Teachers and support staff have strong subject knowledge. Staff check pupils' learning effectively. They swiftly organise additional support to address any gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are generally well supported to access the curriculum. However, occasionally, teaching could be adapted further to support pupils to build on their existing achievements and work towards the ambitious goals that have been set for them.

Reading is a high priority across the school.

Phonics is taught skilfully from the Reception Year onwards. Pupils who struggle with reading are given targeted support. This helps them to gain confidence in their reading and to catch up quickly.

The oldest children in the school talked enthusiastically about the books they have read and enjoyed. Pupils demonstrate a keen knowledge of authors and read widely across the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in lessons, in the playground and around the school.

This helps everyone to get on with their learning without interruption. Pupils are extremely polite and respectful to staff and visitors. They are kind and supportive to each other.

Pupils' enjoyment of school is clear to see. Their rates of attendance are high.

The curriculum supports pupils' personal development well.

In an age-appropriate way, pupils are taught about topics such as healthy living and relationships. Pupils find out about ways to stay safe outside school and online. Staff provide pupils with a wide range of opportunities to learn about the world around them, including with regard to differences between people.

Pupils show kindness and respect to others. The school council is just one of the many examples where pupils are taught about democracy. School councillors have the opportunity to effect change in the school.

The governing body members bring a wide range of expertise and skills to the school. They use these well to challenge and support leaders in all aspects of the school's work.

Staff, including those new to their careers, feel very well supported by the school.

They feel that the school considers carefully staff's workload and well-being. Staff are very happy to work at Riverside.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils with SEND achieve well overall, although, occasionally, teaching is not adjusted as well as it could be to help these pupils to achieve the school's ambitious aims for their learning and development. This sometimes affects how well these pupils learn the intended curriculum. Where this is the case, the school should ensure that teaching is adapted effectively so that pupils' learning is secured further.

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