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Leaders are ambitious for pupils to achieve their very best. Pupils want to succeed. They talk confidently about their learning and are proud of their achievements.
Leaders expect pupils to be 'ready, respectful and safe' in lessons and around the school. Pupils meet leaders' high expectations and work enthusiastically in class. They socialise well together at playtimes.
Warm, trusting relationships exist throughout the school. Bullying is rare. However, if it happens, staff resolve any issues quickly.
Pupils immerse themselves in the life of the school and the local community. They enjoy taking part in t...he wide range of clubs on offer, such as reading, archery, running and football. The school's eco warriors support the school with litter-picking events.
They also encourage the school community to reduce energy use and to increase recycling.
The school's curriculum and wider opportunities help to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about democracy by voting for the school council team, the head boy and girl and for the winners of the school talent show.
Pupils really value difference. They make sure that everyone treats each other with tolerance, kindness and respect.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum across all subjects.
This curriculum identifies the key knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn right from the start of early years to the end of Year 6. In most subjects, teachers have planned lessons so that they build on knowledge over time. For example, they have a consistent approach to the teaching of mathematics and reading across the school.
In these subjects, teachers check what pupils know and can remember during lessons to help inform them of pupils' next steps.
However, in some subjects, the precise detail pupils need to learn and the order in which this should be taught sometimes lack clarity. Some activities are also not as closely matched to what pupils need to learn.
Where this is the case, teachers do not check what pupils know before introducing new content. This can lead to pupils developing gaps in their understanding, meaning they are less confident in making links to new learning.
Leaders identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) effectively.
Teachers make careful adaptations to teaching to support pupils with SEND to help them learn well. Pupils who access the specialist resource provision have their learning expertly adapted. As a result, pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers and achieve well.
Staff prioritise reading across the school. Children start to learn to read from the start of reception using a well-structured programme. Pupils are excited by their phonics sessions.
They recognise that reading is important. Leaders have instilled a love of reading across the school by choosing interesting and varied books for pupils to enjoy. Pupils access the well-stocked library daily.
Teachers identify children who find reading more difficult and quickly provide extra help where needed.
In early years, children learn from well-designed activities that engage their interests. Adults support the development of children's resilience through carefully chosen activities.
These encourage children to continue with tasks even when they find them more difficult. Alongside this, children also learn how to be independent. These skills help to prepare them for the next stage of their learning.
Pupils behave well across the school. In lessons, they are keen to learn and participate well. Staff ensure that the school is an inclusive environment where all pupils can learn without interruption.
Leaders have worked hard with families to encourage high attendance. This work is beginning to have an impact, but there continue to be too many pupils who are absent too often. These pupils, therefore, miss vital learning and often do not achieve as well as they could.
Pupils benefit from the varied enrichment activities on offer. Particular attention is paid to encouraging those pupils who have not previously attended. Pupils recognise the efforts that teachers make to support them.
They can talk confidently about the support provided, such as the 'nurture room' and 'safe space' to help them self-regulate when needed. Pupils have learned how to develop strong relationships with each other.
Leaders and governors work well together to continue to improve the school.
They are considerate of staff workload and mindful of this when making significant changes. Staff feel valued and supported. They appreciate the care leaders show for their well-being.
The skilled governing body understands its role well. Its members provide leaders with effective support and challenge.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an effective culture of safeguarding. All staff receive appropriate training which enables them to identify signs of potential harm to pupils. The school has accurate and detailed record-keeping.
Leaders act on concerns and liaise well with external agencies, seeking support when needed. Leaders build strong relationships with families and work with them to identify and provide the required of support. Governors know their statutory responsibilities and check safeguarding systems regularly.
Pupils feel safe and are positive about the support provided by staff. Specific lessons help pupils learn how to stay safe, including when they are online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some foundation subjects, teachers do not always design tasks which enable pupils to build knowledge systematically.
Teachers also do not always identify gaps in pupils' knowledge quickly enough so that they can be addressed promptly. As a result, pupils do not always learn as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that teachers implement the curriculum effectively across all subjects.