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The school's motto, 'Excellence for All', reflects the ambition that leaders have for the whole school community. A very strong culture of high expectations across the school means that pupils here are encouraged to succeed.
Pupils benefit from a rich curriculum that is taught expertly by very well-trained staff. The ambition for all to do well includes those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who follow the same carefully considered curriculum as their peers.
Pupils work hard and achieve well.
Very clearly established routines ensure that pupils are engaged in their learning and that their work is of a consistently high quality.... Standards of behaviour are very high. Lessons are not disrupted by poor behaviour, and cases of bullying are rare.
When bullying does happen, pupils are confident that it will be dealt with. Pupils feel safe in the school.
Pupils enjoy school and appreciate the wide range of additional opportunities that they have.
This includes a range of high-profile visiting guest speakers and a variety of after-school clubs and sporting activities. Pupils are active in supporting community projects.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have established a highly effective and balanced curriculum.
Ambition is at the heart of curriculum design. In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils study a broad range of subjects. As pupils progress through the school the curriculum retains its breadth.
The vast majority of pupils continue to study a language and a humanities subject to GCSE level. In the sixth form leaders have chosen courses which they know will give pupils opportunities to continue their education at university and beyond. Across all subjects, leaders have made sure that content is sequenced so that pupils learn things that will prepare them for more complex ideas in later years.
Teachers consistently follow an established set of classroom routines. This ensures that they are constantly checking pupils' understanding and addressing any misconceptions. These routines help to ensure that pupils remain focused on their learning in lessons, and that they regularly revisit earlier work so that they can remember more.
Pupils with SEND benefit from appropriate support and adaptations so that they can study the same content as other pupils. This includes carefully considered support for those pupils who need more help with reading. Students in the sixth form are also very well supported to achieve well.
In addition to benefiting from the expertise of their teachers, they are taught to develop effective independent study skills which prepare them well for their next steps in education.
Teachers have very strong subject knowledge. This is supplemented by a continual training programme which helps teachers refine their practice.
The emphasis on training and development for staff has also resulted in very effective use of assessment so that teachers know how well pupils are doing, and pupils know what they need to do to improve their work.
Leaders have very high expectations of behaviour. In lessons pupils settle to their work quickly and show high levels of respect to their teachers and to other pupils.
Corridors, play spaces and social areas are calm and safe. Pupils know that discriminatory language or bullying is not tolerated in the school.
Leaders have prioritised pupils' wider development.
Pupils are taught how to look after their physical and mental health, and they are taught sensitive issues in an age-appropriate way. Careers education and guidance is comprehensive. This includes individual support for older pupils, and work experience for students in the sixth form.
Leaders ensure that pupils enjoy a rich set of experiences beyond the classroom. As well as many sporting activities, pupils can go to clubs for cooking, chess, debating and a range of other interests. Leaders ensure that pupils from all backgrounds and of all abilities take up these enrichment opportunities.
In the sixth form, every student takes part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. Leaders encourage pupils to be active in the wider community. For example, pupils have established and look after a community garden, and they have successfully campaigned for improved bus services in the area.
Leaders' vision for the school is shared by a committed governing body and by the trust. Governors provide support and challenge to leaders, and they know the school well. Staff are dedicated and proud to work at the school, which has become an integral part of the community which it serves.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders prioritise safeguarding across the school. A well-established and experienced safeguarding team together with very clear systems for reporting mean that any concerns are communicated and acted upon very quickly.
All members of staff are trained and are vigilant. Leaders make sure that vulnerable pupils receive appropriate and timely support. This includes working with a variety of agencies outside of the school.
Pupils feel safe in school. They know how to report any concerns and they trust adults in the school. They have been taught how to keep themselves safe, including how to stay safe online.