Riverview CofE Primary and Nursery School VA

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About Riverview CofE Primary and Nursery School VA

Name Riverview CofE Primary and Nursery School VA
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Mercy Atkins
Address Riverview Road, West Ewell, Epsom, KT19 0JP
Phone Number 02083371245
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 178
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils benefit from staff's high aspirations.

Leaders set out clearly how pupils should communicate, learn, interact and behave. All pupils are supported to meet these expectations. Purposeful routines are in place from early years onwards.

Staff model and support what they expect of pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This helps to foster a focused learning atmosphere.

Pupils are proud to move 'up the learning ladder' when they make good choices.

As a result, the playground and classrooms are calm and happy environments. Staff handle incidents of bullying and discrimination swiftly and effectively. Thi...s helps to prevent issues from reoccurring.

Pupils feel secure in talking to staff when problems arise.

Pupils from different backgrounds, and particularly pupils who have English as an additional language, feel welcomed and included at the school. The school provides an array of opportunities for pupils.

Visiting the 'library bus', for example, helps to reinforce pupils' enthusiasm for reading. As pupils move up through the school, they learn to take on responsibilities. Adventurous challenges, such as hiking in Snowdonia, help older pupils to develop resilience and a sense of community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have put together an ambitious curriculum. They have thought carefully about what pupils need to know and when they need to learn it. The curriculum is firmly established, particularly in English and mathematics.

This gives pupils a secure foundation for further learning. Learning programmes in many other subjects are also well designed. Leaders are actively working to bring all subjects to the same high standard.

In most subjects, teachers enable pupils to build their knowledge well. The work set challenges pupils to think in detail about their subjects. In early years, teachers introduce new vocabulary to develop children's knowledge.

Teachers use questions well to check what pupils have understood. They adapt their teaching to respond to pupils' misconceptions. However, at times some teachers' explanations are not always clear enough.

This can lead to pupils not understanding what they need to do or know.

Reading is a strength of the school's provision. Teachers teach pupils to read well.

This helps children to build confidence in reading and writing from early years onwards. Pupils' reading achievements are celebrated, such as through prize draws to win a choice of books. Weaker readers and pupils who are new to the school receive intensive support to catch up.

This support is tailored effectively for pupils with SEND. Leaders have prioritised improvement in reading at every age. This approach helps to ensure that pupils achieve well across the curriculum.

Pupils develop a positive attitude to learning. In early years, they are introduced to learning 'characters'. These show how leaders want pupils to behave, such as being inquisitive or persistent.

This is reinforced by a consistent approach to behaviour. As a result, pupils of all ages focus on learning well. The attendance of some pupils is low.

As a result, some pupils miss out on important learning. Leaders are taking action on this and have seen some improvements. However, this has not yet had a consistently positive impact.

Leaders ensure that pupils have access to a breadth of clubs and additional opportunities. Pupils benefit from cultural opportunities on offer, such as art gallery visits. Learning about other faiths and backgrounds is at the heart of the school's approach to diversity.

Leaders ensure that pupils are taught about British values. Pupils gain experience of democratic processes through the school council. Teaching of personal, social and health education enables pupils to develop a secure understanding of healthy lifestyles and relationships.

The needs of pupils with SEND are identified and met well. Staff work closely with families to ensure that the right support is in place. Where necessary, leaders adapt the curriculum to enable pupils with SEND to access it alongside their peers.

Early years staff modify activities to ensure that all children are included. Pupils with SEND achieve well as a result.

Leaders have created a culture where pupils and families feel part of a community.

When making changes to the weekly timetable, leaders engage constructively with staff and parents about this. Staff are very positive about leaders' consideration of their workload. Parents report a high degree of confidence in the approach leaders take.

Governors support and challenge leaders effectively. As the school has developed, governors have ensured a clear and consistent vision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are knowledgeable about keeping children safe. Safeguarding is at the heart of the school's culture. Leaders provide all staff with effective training on the risks which pupils may face.

This helps staff to be alert to signs of potential harm. Leaders keep detailed safeguarding records. They work closely with external agencies to ensure that pupils get the support that they need.

When further external help is needed, leaders show determination in securing this.

Governors understand their safeguarding responsibilities well. They monitor the completion of pre-employment checks on staff and keep up to date with statutory guidance.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders' work to improve pupils' attendance and reduce their persistent absence is not yet fully effective. As a result, not all pupils benefit as well as they could from their education. Leaders must reduce pupils' absence and persistent absenteeism further.

• In a few subjects, some teachers' knowledge of how to deliver the subject is not as strong as it could be. This means that pupils do not always fully understand teachers' explanations. Leaders should ensure that teacher's subject knowledge is equally strong across all subjects.

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