Robert Browning Primary School

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About Robert Browning Primary School

Name Robert Browning Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Manley
Address King and Queen Street, Walworth, London, SE17 1DQ
Phone Number 02077083456
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 213
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Robert Browning is a friendly school. Staff and pupils know each other well and this creates a sense of belonging and trust. Pupils feel safe here and, although bullying rarely happens, they know staff will sort things out quickly if it does.

Pupils take on responsibilities such as being members of the school council or as digital and sports leaders. They told inspectors about their pride in being role models when undertaking these responsibilities.

Staff expect pupils to work hard and behave well in lessons.

Pupils concentrate and work sensibly with their friends. They enjoy opportunities to showcase their work; for example, working with a professional artis...t on a new local sculpture or performing at the Royal Festival Hall as part of the 'Splash' project.

Leaders have designed a new, ambitious and well-organised curriculum.

Pupils achieve well in reading and mathematics across the school and in a broader variety of subjects in key stage 1. However, older pupils, who have not studied the new curriculum earlier in their time at Robert Browning, struggle more. Teachers do not always identify and address gaps in these pupils' knowledge.

This means that misconceptions persist, and they find more complex work difficult.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders promote the importance of reading and have clear expectations about how well pupils should read. Many pupils read fluently because staff have been trained effectively.

Assessment is used appropriately to identify pupils who are falling behind in their reading and provide focused support. As a result, weaker readers show resilience and determination to read well, and their reading improves over time. However, in the early years, staff do not always give children sufficient opportunity to practise the new sounds they learn.

The new leadership team reviewed and updated the curriculum in 2019. The planned curriculum matches the scope and content of the national curriculum. Pupils started learning the revised curriculum in 2020 but this implementation was interrupted by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

Leaders have identified the concepts they want pupils to learn in each subject. The curriculum has been organised to ensure pupils secure their understanding by revisiting important ideas. For example, in mathematics, older pupils tackle complex calculations because they have practised and understood simpler methods.

Similarly, in physical education (PE), pupils can pass the ball accurately because they have practised different types of passes.

Pupils in Years 5 and 6 did not benefit from learning the current curriculum earlier in their time at Robert Browning. Leaders recognise this and have identified the potential gaps pupils might have.

For example, younger pupils can talk confidently about the geography of the United Kingdom using compass points and vocabulary accurately. Older pupils' knowledge is not as secure. For example, they find it harder to describe the Saxon invasion of Britain because they have less understanding about the geography of the United Kingdom.

On occasion, teaching in Years 5 and 6 does not take account of these gaps and moves on to new ideas too quickly.

Teachers provide appropriate support to pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The curriculum is adapted effectively to meet their needs and, as a result, they access a broad curriculum and achieve well.

In the early years, staff identify emerging needs quickly and the curriculum is adapted to meet these needs. For example, children have more opportunity to practise their spoken language in different activities.

Children in the early years are settled and engage happily with their learning.

They persevere and share resources. The curriculum is well planned and gives children opportunity to practise what they learn. For example, in mathematics, children practise naming different shapes.

This allows them to describe shapes using different vocabulary.

Almost all the pupils and parents who completed Ofsted's surveys agreed that behaviour and bullying are well managed. Pupils usually behave well in the classroom and move around the building calmly.

On occasion, some pupils become boisterous at the end of lessons or when lining up in the playground. Leaders have effective systems and initiatives for checking and celebrating good attendance and punctuality.

The curriculum has been designed to help pupils learn about diversity.

For example, pupils spoke knowledgably about authors, scientists and sports people from different backgrounds.

In normal times, a broad range of extra-curricular activities are provided. These are about to resume.

During the pandemic, leaders have ensured families have been informed of local events that pupils would benefit from attending.

Staff talk positively about working at the school and value the support offered by working with different schools. Leaders have developed an effective staff team through providing professional development and managing workload well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff know and understand how to keep pupils safe. Leaders have trained staff well and have developed clear systems for raising and reporting concerns.

Pupils and their families receive the support they need from the school and other agencies.

Parents are confident that their children are kept safe at school. Pupils understand how to stay safe.

They can identify ways the school keeps themselves safe and how they should stay safe when online. The curriculum has been designed to help pupils understand and manage risks. For example, older pupils work with 'Chance UK' to understand the risks of gang affiliation.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that identifies the important concepts pupils should learn. The curriculum is organised to ensure pupils revisit these concepts. Pupils typically achieve well in reading and mathematics across the school and across other subjects in key stage 1.

However, pupils in Years 5 and 6 have not benefited as much from this curriculum. Teachers do not always take account of gaps in these pupils' prior learning before moving on to new work. Regularly checking on Year 5 and 6 pupils' knowledge and necessary adaptations to teaching will enable these pupils to benefit from the new curriculum as much as pupils in younger year groups.

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