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Pupils at this school are friendly, positive and respectful members of the school community.
They are happy and feel safe in school. Parents agree that pupils are safe. Pupils know that there are well-trained staff who keep them safe.
They know there are trusted adults they can talk to if they have any problems.
Leaders, staff and pupils share the same high expectations of each other. The calm and purposeful environment within school exemplifies these high expectations.
The school's ambition for achievement is equally high. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.
Pupils' behaviour and ...attitudes are exceptional.
Poor behaviour, including bullying, is very rare. Where this may occur, pupils are confident that staff deal with it quickly and effectively. Exemplary behaviour for learning shines through in lessons.
Behaviours and attitudes are further strengthened through the delivery of a high-quality curriculum for personal development. Older pupils demonstrate caring attitudes to those who are younger. Pupils benefit from carefully considered provision for their well-being.
Understanding of equality and diversity is evident throughout the school. One pupil summed up the thoughts of many others by saying, 'You never judge someone for being different here.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school places a high priority on pupils learning the fundamentals of early reading.
In early years, staff expose children to a range of books, rhymes and songs. From these initial experiences, high-quality phonics teaching enables children to achieve well. They become confident and fluent readers.
This high achievement extends to disadvantaged pupils, including those with SEND. Where pupils need extra support, well-trained staff deliver targeted interventions with clear impact.
Leaders have high ambitions for the curriculum within school.
The majority of subjects have curriculums that meticulously identify the specific knowledge and skills pupils should develop over time. Teaching is precise and targets any gaps in learning to ensure that pupils make demonstrable progress. Pupils can recall what they have learned.
New learning then builds on pupils' prior learning. In history, for example, pupils demonstrate a secure understanding of chronology. They are able to talk about their learning about the Mayans, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and archaeologists such as Frederick Catherwood with real understanding.
In mathematics, pupils showed a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. However, in a small number of foundation subjects, the curriculum does not identify essential knowledge precisely enough. The curriculum design and assessment of what pupils know and can do in these subjects are not as effective.
This means that pupils are less clear about what important facts they need to recall.
Within early years provision, children engage well in their learning. They quickly develop resilience and independence.
The outdoor forest school provision allows pupils to explore, assess risk and apply their indoor learning to new contexts. Children show high levels of concentration and focus in their indoor play and their learning. They access the provision with independence.
Knowledgeable staff offer effective support. Interactions with these adults promote the use of language and vocabulary. Adults help children to extend their learning.
The school's personal, social and health education curriculum is ambitious. It is carefully planned and sequenced. Pupils develop into eloquent and mature individuals who are very well prepared for the next stage of their education in terms of academic achievement, behaviour and personal character.
There are many opportunities for pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. These include a range of visitors into school, collective worship in assemblies and links with the local church. Pupils enjoy opportunities to take up leadership roles and responsibilities within the school.
For example, they can take on roles as members of the school council, the trust's pupil parliament, peer mentors and sports leaders. As the school's catchment includes Queen Elizabeth's Barracks, the school has developed a 'service buddies' system. These pupils welcome new service families to the school with a written letter and then proudly show them around school on their first visit.
Governance at the school is effective. A knowledgeable and committed governing body is well informed by regular visits to the school and through detailed reports from the headteacher. Governors use this information to hold leaders to account.
The trust has effective oversight of the performance of the school. Staff feel supported by leaders. They believe that leaders consider their workload and well-being as a priority.
One member of staff summed up the views of many by saying leaders 'will listen and do what they can to help'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The curriculums in a small number of subjects are not as well sequenced as they are in others.
The essential knowledge has not been identified precisely enough in these subjects. This means that some pupils have gaps in their knowledge, so their recall of prior learning is not as secure. The school should ensure that the curriculums in these subjects precisely identify the key knowledge that pupils should know and remember so pupils can build on strong recall of their prior learning when they access new learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.