Robinswood Primary Academy

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About Robinswood Primary Academy

Name Robinswood Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Ms Rebekah Milward
Address Underhill Road, Matson, Gloucester, GL4 6HE
Phone Number 01452530430
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 400
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy school. They attend regularly.

The school code 'Be kind, be honest, be responsible, be respectful' is the bedrock of the expectations that staff have. These four phrases underpin the school's approach to managing pupils' behaviour. Pupils know and understand them.

Around the school, most pupils show respect and consideration for each other. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They know that leaders have made a difference in the past two years.

If bullying occurs, staff deal with it swiftly. Pupils are safe and feel safe.

Every pupil participates in forest school so that exploration can take place in the school grounds.

Staff have ...received relevant training, which means that pupils learn how to take safe risks when climbing and balancing.

Leaders want to inspire pupils so they know of the opportunities they might take in the future. For example, there is an annual careers fair.

Staff have made links with local and international companies. Pupils participate in cultural activities, such as filmmaking with a local community group or enjoying a concert with the multi-storey orchestra in a city car park.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders are relentless in their desire to improve the lives of pupils through a purposeful education.

Their expectations are high and everyone, staff and pupils alike, contributes to them. Leaders' actions, and modelling of behaviours, have captured the right responses. The school is harmonious and everyone is striving to provide, or receive, a better education.

Leaders have put an ambitious curriculum in place. There has been a focus on the core subjects. As a result, pupils have a deeper understanding of mathematics and science.

Pupils' fluency in mathematics is becoming stronger. Staff understand how to use resources effectively to help pupils calculate. However, there are still too many pupils who do not apply their knowledge when reasoning and problem-solving.

Writing is a major focus. Pupils are now more confident in their spelling and grammar. They make a concerted effort with their handwriting from Reception onwards.

Some children in Reception are already writing simple sentences independently. Older pupils show pride in their work. Teachers check pupils' work diligently so that there are no misconceptions.

Reading is a priority in the school. Children in Reception learn phonics as soon as they begin at the school. Children know their initial sounds and staff match books to the sounds they know.

Weaker readers and those pupils who speak English as an additional language read fluently. Leaders have chosen texts carefully so that pupils read both modern and classic fiction, as well as factual books. They enjoy their own reading as well as listening to teachers read to them.

This is a daily occurrence. Teachers find different ways to help pupils to comprehend more difficult language, such as through drama.

The curriculum is broad and balanced.

Pupils enjoy a full range of subjects. Subject leaders understand what pupils need to know and when. Teachers assess pupils' understanding frequently.

However, the use of assessment to check what pupils have remembered over time in foundation subjects is not yet fully in place.

In most lessons, pupils behave well and there is no disruption to learning. Where the quality of learning is less secure, staff do not manage behaviour as effectively.

Leaders support staff and regularly train them. They focus on the importance of routines that pupils can understand.

Several pupils arrive in-year.

Many have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Others speak English as an additional language. Well-understood routines help these pupils to settle.

Staff identify pupils' needs quickly. Teachers adapt learning effectively so that pupils with SEND learn well. In key stage 2, most pupils with SEND progress through the curriculum as well as their peers.

Pupils' personal development is a vital part of the school's work. Pastoral support for pupils and families is a strength of the school. Leaders have strong relationships with parents and carers who share concerns promptly.

The personal, social, health and economic curriculum supports pupils successfully from pre-school to Year 6. Pupils flourish in their understanding of the world around them. They learn about healthy eating and the importance of physical and mental well-being.

Pupils' understanding of age-appropriate relationships and changes to their bodies is secure.

Trust leaders hold school leaders to account. They challenge and support them in a balanced way.

School improvement processes have developed over time. Appointments of new staff and trustees provide the capacity needed to support this. These changes have been an integral part of the school's transformation.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive training that enables them to identify any pupils who may need help, and they take suitable action. Equally, pupils feel confident about sharing concerns with a trusted adult in school.

Safeguarding leaders work effectively with professionals and external agencies to provide the best support for individuals and families to protect those at risk of harm.

The school has suitable policies in place to raise awareness among staff and parents about the dangers of sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Behaviour expectations are mostly understood and applied fairly.

However, where the quality of learning is less secure, behaviour is more disruptive. In these cases, staff are not applying the behaviour systems consistently. Leaders should ensure they check that there is consistency in the application of agreed policies.

• The use of assessment for many foundation subjects is not yet fully in place. As a result, gaps in pupils' learning over time are not known. Leaders need to ensure that teachers' use of assessment identifies gaps in pupils' understanding.

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