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This is a good school. Children progress well in the Early Years Foundation Stage because of an effective mix of child-led and adult-led activities.
They are well prepared for Year 1. Pupils' standards in reading, writing and mathematics in Key Stage 1 are slightly above average. Standards in reading and writing in Key Stage 2 are much higher than those found in most schools.
Across the school, most teaching is at least good and some is outstanding. Pupils make at least good progress during their lessons because activities are interesting and often creative. Pupils demonstrate a delight in learning and have high expectations of their own behaviour.
Th...ey are always safe and their behaviour towards each other and around the school is courteous and considerate. Pupils learn a very good range of subjects which are linked well through the topics they study. Their learning in the arts is particularly impressive.
Leadership is good because the effective action of the headteacher, other senior leaders and governors has rapidly improved standards in writing across the school and ensured consistently high results in Key Stage 2. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Pupils' progress in Key Stage 1, although good, is not as rapid as in Key Stage 2. Not all teaching stretches pupils, especially the most able, as much as possible.
Pupils are not always given opportunities to deeply explore and record their own ideas and discoveries.
Information about this school
The school is a smaller-than-average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils who are eligible for additional government funding, known as the pupil premium, is much lower than the national average.
This extra money is provided for children in local authority care, children with a parent in the armed services and those known to be eligible for free school meals. There are no pupils with a parent in the armed forces or in local authority care currently on roll, and very few pupils eligible for free school meals. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs supported through school action is above average, as is the proportion who is supported at school action plus or has a statement of special educational needs.
Some of these pupils have speech, language and communication needs, whilst others have moderate learning difficulties. Five pupils currently have statements of special educational needs and have more complex learning needs. Almost all pupils are of White British heritage.
The number of pupils joining or leaving the school other than at the usual times is lower than in most other schools. The school is a member of a local informal partnership with several other local primary schools. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.