Roding Primary School

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About Roding Primary School

Name Roding Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Melissa Nwankiti
Address Roding Lane North, Woodford Bridge, Woodford Green, IG8 8NP
Phone Number 02085043706
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 432
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Short inspection of Roding Primary School

Following my visit to the school on 5 March 2019, I write on behalf of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills to report the inspection findings.

The visit was the first short inspection carried out since the school was judged to be good in March 2015. This school continues to be good. The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.

You promote the ethos of the school, that pupils are free to achieve, through all of your work. This is reflected in the inclusive nature of your provision for deaf pupils, which currently has 40 pupils. Leaders intend for all pupils, whatever t...heir needs, to be educated alongside their peers.

For example, those pupils who attend the provision receive bespoke programmes of learning which include lessons with their hearing peers. You have recognised the need to improve pupils' outcomes in reading and therefore placed appropriate resources in place. For example, leaders understand how important the school's library is in encouraging pupils to read.

Leaders have made the decision to move the library into the foyer area of the school, so that pupils can more easily access the rich texts on offer. The areas for improvement identified at the previous inspection have been addressed. Pupils know what they need to do to improve their classwork.

For example, in a writing lesson, pupils quoted from feedback and described how they would improve their writing during lesson activities. In books, pupils responded to teachers' comments and these conversations enabled deeper learning to take place. Leaders ensure, through regular training, that skilled adults support pupils.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) told me that they value the direct adult help that they receive and how, consequently, their reading has improved. Pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) understand the expectations of adults and follow routines and systems that address their academic needs but also keep them safe. Safeguarding is effective.

The leadership team has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose. Senior leaders and governors regularly check the suitability of safeguarding arrangements so that the highest standards of safeguarding are upheld. Staff responsible for the management of safeguarding records receive regular and relevant training.

Recruitment checks are thorough and ensure the suitability of staff to work with pupils at the school. Pupils told me that they feel safe at school and that they are kept safe by their teachers and the school's leaders. Through assemblies and lessons, they are well informed on how to stay safe online.

They told me how they have a number of ways to report issues when using the internet. They also told me that the 'worry box' system works well and that their concerns are listened to. Inspection findings ? At our initial meeting, we agreed on three lines of enquiry.

The first was based on pupils' progress in reading. This was chosen because historically, pupils' progress in reading, compared with the national standard, was below that in other core subjects at the school. ? The school development plan highlights reading as an area of focus.

These plans are thorough and have been drawn up following careful consideration. Resources have been assigned to support reading and clear timelines are imposed for improvement. ? Leaders direct interventions that support the individual.

Leaders are aware of the progress of groups of pupils. For example, they have identified boys' underachievement in reading. Hence, middle leaders have targeted boys and introduced texts that ignite their imagination.

A recent visit to the school by a poet rekindled boys' enthusiasm for reading, and parents commented on their children's increased interest in reading. ? A number of teachers have been trained in assessing pupils' reading. They use these skills to improve assessment practice across the school.

They share their knowledge so that accurate judgements on pupils' progress are made. Reading records show an accurate picture of pupils' progress in reading. Readers read texts that encourage them to improve their vocabulary.

• The way leaders highlight reading is evident across the school. For example, classrooms have reading corners where children's and pupils' reading is celebrated. Pupils benefited from the introduction of a reflective reading programme and they remarked on how, consequently, their reading has improved.

Teachers share their favourite books and authors with pupils and use this as a learning tool. ? Leaders have high expectations for improvements in pupils' ability to use their phonics knowledge. The least able readers, including pupils who speak English as an additional language, receive extra support with their phonics.

Leaders ensure that these booster groups are well resourced. Interventions to improve reading are having a positive impact and leaders have recently extended that support. Young readers are encouraged to read through play.

In Reception classrooms, children reacted well to words being written on leaves and were able to use these words in simple sentences. ? The second line of enquiry was based on disadvantaged pupils' progress in mathematics. This was chosen because recently, disadvantaged pupils in key stage 2 had underperformed in mathematics compared with their peers nationally.

• Leaders have identified disadvantaged pupils as underachieving compared with their non-disadvantaged peers locally and nationally. Leaders frequently conduct classroom observations and learning walks which focus on disadvantaged pupils. Leaders use this scrutiny to direct middle leaders' and teachers' support.

• In mathematics classrooms, disadvantaged pupils were working at an appropriate level for their age and responded well to teachers' feedback. When disadvantaged pupils need more concentrated support, this is provided. For example, during an observation, a number of pupils were helped with their first steps in understanding algebra.

• Leaders have targeted the disadvantaged mathematics learners and their families and delivered workshops to help parents work with their children at home. Currently, progress in mathematics for those pupils in Year 6 in receipt of the pupil premium is broadly in line with that of their peers. ? The third line of enquiry was based on pupils' attendance.

This was chosen because, recently, attendance rates have been below national figures. ? Leaders, including governors, understand the importance of pupils' regular attendance and the particular issues for the school. Leaders are aware that the medical needs of some groups of the school population affect attendance.

Leaders balance the medical needs of pupils at the school with the needs of the school curriculum. Rewards and sanctions are used appropriately to promote attendance. Pupils have responded well to the latest reward systems, and whole classes now aspire to 100% attendance.

However, recent attendance rates are still not in line with national levels. Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: ? there is consistently strong development of phonics, including for the least able pupils ? attendance remains a school priority and that rates of absence reduce through sustained parental engagement. I am copying this letter to the chair of the governing body, the regional schools commissioner and the director of children's services for Redbridge.

This letter will be published on the Ofsted website. Yours sincerely Jason Hughes Ofsted Inspector Information about the inspection I held meetings with school leaders, staff and pupils. I spoke with a governor on the telephone.

Leaders accompanied me on visits to lessons, where we observed teaching and learning, spoke with pupils and looked at their work. I examined a range of documentation relating to safeguarding, including the single central record. I scrutinised Ofsted's online survey for parents (44 responses) and associated commentary (38 comments), the staff survey (45 responses) and pupil survey (61 responses).

I examined the school's website and reviewed information about pupils' progress, attainment and attendance. I also considered the school's evaluation of how well it is doing, its improvement priorities and assessment information for current pupils. I also met with the school's improvement partner.

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