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Warm and respectful relationships are aplenty at Rose Hill Primary. Staff care deeply for pupils and know them as individuals. Pupils are valued, listened to, and seen as individuals.
They benefit from the many improvements the school has made. For example, pupils understand the school's expectations around behaviour and live up to these.
As a result of the improvements made across the school, pupils learn well.
Staff expect pupils to work hard and try their best. Pupils listen carefully to adults and each other. While bullying can be reported, staff are swift in putting a stop to this.
Pupils know they have an adult to speak with if they have a prob...lem.
The school ensures pupils understand that everyone is different. Pupils learn in depth about people's different beliefs and backgrounds, helping them to treat everyone as individuals.
Pupils learn to value the opportunities to make friends with those from other countries and backgrounds. Those who join the school part way through the year are welcomed with open arms by their soon-to-be friends.
Children in the Reception classes quickly learn the rules and routines.
They delight in learning, while playing alongside their peers. Children understand the importance of sharing, turn taking and being kind.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils receive a good quality of education.
The school's curriculum is carefully designed to help pupils learn important knowledge as they move through the school. Staff benefit from high-quality training to ensure they teach the curriculum well. Teacher's subject knowledge is strong.
They explain new concepts to pupils clearly and in a way they understand. At times pupils do not have sufficient opportunity to practice and apply their newly found knowledge. This means that in some subjects, pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they could.
The published outcomes in 2024 are not indicative of the quality of education pupils receive in school now. In mathematics, for example, the youngest pupils are fully benefiting from the schools more rigorous and consistent approach to teaching mathematics. They develop strong foundations on which to build their new mathematical knowledge.
Older pupils have gaps remaining in their mathematical knowledge. These are being addressed effectively. There are times, though, when pupils are not provided with the opportunity to explore some concepts to a more advanced level or in more depth.
Staff teach the school's phonics programme skilfully. Most pupils keep up and learn to read confidently and fluently. Those who find reading tricky are given effective extra support.
Pupils who join the school speaking little or no English are very well supported. They quickly pick up more words and phrases and swiftly get to grips with phonics. As pupils become capable readers, they read books that they enjoy.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs met well. Adults regularly check carefully what these pupils know and can do. This means that additional support is put in place to help pupils learn precisely what they need to learn.
Teachers benefit from expert guidance from leaders to help them provide well for pupils with SEND.
Children in Reception learn in a caring and nurturing environment. Adults working with the youngest children are highly skilled.
They know the needs of individual children. This means they provide activities to help children develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for the next step in their journey through school. Children in Reception become increasingly independent and resilient.
The school's extremely strong work to improve attendance is paying dividends. Pupils now attend regularly. Staff keep a close eye on attendance and act quickly if a pupil starts to miss too much school.
They employ a range of strategies to halt any decline in attendance, helping pupils and families get attendance back on track.
The carefully considered personal development programme helps pupils develop their understanding beyond the academic curriculum. Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships, through the school's effective relationships curriculum.
They celebrate the differences between themselves and others. Along with a range of clubs, trips and visits, pupils raise money for a range of charities. These opportunities help pupils develop into responsible and active citizens.
The local governing body and the trust board are highly strategic in their work. They provide unwavering support for leaders. While this is the case, they do not shy away from asking probing questions of leaders to ensure the school continues to improve.
Staff are proud to be part of the school. They are effectively supported by leaders because the well-being of adults is high on the agenda.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teaching does not provide pupils with opportunities to revise and apply their new learning consistently. This means that in some subjects, pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they could. The school should ensure teachers understand how to design activities which help pupils to practise and apply their new learning, so they develop a deeper understanding in these subjects.
• Occasionally, learning activities in mathematics are not adapted carefully to ensure pupils can explore more detailed and complex knowledge. This means some pupils do not achieve as well as they could. The school should ensure all teachers have sufficient expertise to assess and adjust lessons, so they are closely matched to the needs of their pupils.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.