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Pupils enjoy learning and are polite and courteous.
Staff care for pupils and value them as individuals. This helps pupils to feel happy and safe.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievement and behaviour, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils are clear about what leaders expect of them. They try hard in lessons and behave well most of the time.
Pupils know where to get help if they are anxious or worried.
Pupils know what bullying is and the different forms it can take. Although there can be some fallings out at breaktimes, staff support pupils well to resolve any tensions around friend...ships. They take care to nip any potential bullying in the bud before issues escalate.
Pupils study an ambitious and diverse curriculum. They learn with enthusiasm and take care with their work. They enjoy learning about famous people who have fought for justice, such as Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks.
Many pupils take advantage of the leadership opportunities provided by the school. Pupils live out the school's value of 'service' as eco-warriors, members of the school council and as members of the 'Working Together Committee'.
Pupils are particularly enthused by the many sporting activities on offer, such as tag rugby, hockey and cheerleading.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have recently made big changes to many subject curriculums. These curriculums are exciting and ambitious. They support leaders' focus on 'community, aspiration and resilience'.
Subject leaders have carefully planned the most important knowledge that pupils should learn. These curriculums build in a logical order to help pupils to acquire a deep and rich body of knowledge. For example, in geography, pupils learn about Ashton before comparing it to a range of places around the world.
Most teachers are delivering the new curriculums well. They check what pupils have learned carefully and, if necessary, adapt the way that they teach so that all pupils learn well. This helps pupils, particularly those with SEND, to know and remember more than they did before.
In a small number of subjects, however, not all teachers follow the new curriculums closely enough. Where this is the case, sometimes, pupils develop gaps in their knowledge.
Leaders have placed reading at the heart of the school.
They have recently introduced a new early reading curriculum. They did this because too many pupils in key stage 1 were not learning phonics well enough. Staff are quickly becoming experts at teaching early reading.
Pupils enjoy learning new connections between letters and sounds. They practise by reading books that closely match the sounds they know.
Teachers assess how well pupils are learning phonics.
They spot when a pupil is finding it difficult to keep up with their peers. However, some of those pupils who fall behind are not supported as well as they could be. This is because staff have not had sufficient training to help some of the weaker readers to catch up quickly.
Teachers read a diverse and ambitious range of books to pupils. They have started to teach pupils in key stage 2 a range of additional techniques to become more proficient readers. This, alongside the introduction of new subject curriculums, is helping to improve pupils' reading comprehension skills.
In the early years, children learn essential knowledge that prepares them well for Year 1. For example, they learn about time to help them study history. Staff communicate effectively with parents and carers.
This keeps parents updated on their child's development. Children concentrate well during activities. They enjoy learning and playing.
They are considerate of others and follow routines diligently.
Staff identify pupils with SEND quickly. This enables them to work closely with pupils and parents to put the right support in place.
Staff support pupils with SEND to achieve well. This includes those pupils in the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND.
Staff ensure that pupils know the rules and that they usually follow routines, such as walking down corridors on the left.
Staff help pupils to behave positively in the classroom. This ensures that pupils rarely disrupt lessons. During breaks and lunchtimes, a few pupils behave less well.
This occasionally leads to some difficulties between pupils.
Pastoral staff work tirelessly to ensure that pupils attend school regularly. So far this school year, their work has led to a significant increase in pupils' attendance.
These staff have greatly reduced the percentage of pupils who are regularly absent from school.
Pupils are well prepared for secondary school. They are caring and empathetic.
They understand healthy relationships and the importance of consent.
Recent changes have negatively affected the well-being of some staff. Despite this, many staff appreciate leaders' actions to help them manage their workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff use their training to spot signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.
They report their concerns promptly.Leaders work closely with a range of professionals to make sure that pupils and families get the timely help that they need.
Pupils learn about the risks that they may face outside of school.
This includes the dangers of abusing substances and of playing around open water. They are also taught how to keep themselves safe when online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some staff do not have the necessary expertise to support those pupils who fall behind with their reading.
This hinders a small number of pupils from becoming accurate and fluent readers as quickly as they could. Leaders should ensure that staff receive the support they need to help those pupils who find reading more difficult to catch up with their peers. ? In a small number of subjects, some teachers do not deliver curriculums as well as leaders intend.
Occasionally, this creates gaps in some pupils' knowledge, which makes it difficult for them to understand future learning. Leaders should ensure that all staff teach the subject curriculums as intended. This is so pupils' knowledge is built up securely over time.
• Some pupils do not behave consistently well during breaks and lunchtimes. This occasionally leads to disagreements between pupils. Leaders should ensure that pupils behave consistently well during these times.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.