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Pupils enjoy school. They show respect for each other and behave well. The school is ambitious and instils in pupils the belief that everyone can succeed.
The school fosters an inclusive environment. Pupils know staff want them to do well. As a result, pupils are enthusiastic learners.
Pupils value learning about diversity and different communities. They take on leadership roles and learn about democracy and other fundamental British values. Pupils contribute to the school community and attend a range of clubs and societies that widen their experiences.
They enjoy the many visits the school uses to bring the curriculum alive.
The school teaches pupil...s how to stay safe, particularly online. Pupils feel safe in school.
Pupils of different ages work and play together well. For example, Year 6 and reception children 'buddy up' at lunchtime. Younger children build their confidence as they are supported at play alongside their older peers.
Parents are positive about the school and typically commented on how the school helps their children to learn and grow.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The headteacher, school and trust leaders have improved the school's curriculum. They have acted on published outcomes and developed subject curriculums.
The impact is now evident in how current pupils learn more effectively at the school. For example, in mathematics, pupils have developed their mental arithmetic and ability to recall key number facts. In reception, children recognise small numbers by sight and confidently recall simple number facts.
Reading is a very high priority for the school. This starts as soon as the children join the school. Pupils quickly learn from a strong focus on vocabulary, language and communication.
Daily phonics lessons start promptly and effectively. As a result, children progress well through the phonics curriculum. There is effective support in place to enable pupils to keep up, including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The books pupils read match the sounds they know. This helps them to read fluently. All staff are well trained to teach phonics and reading.
Staff read to children every day. They share a wide range of books that excite and enthuse pupils. As a result, pupils are keen to read and enjoy reading independently.
Books are selected well to develop pupils' knowledge of different cultures and diversity.The school has identified the most important knowledge and skills that pupils should learn in most subjects. This is particularly strong in early years, where the curriculum content is carefully delivered in small steps so that children build their knowledge each term.
The school continues to develop the curriculum further. While some subjects in the wider curriculum are well structured and are ambitious, others are still under development. In these areas, the important knowledge pupils need to know and build on is not clearly identified.
This means that the curriculum sometimes misses out important content, leading to gaps in pupils' knowledge.Teachers present information clearly. They routinely check how well pupils have understood.
This allows them to adapt learning to make sure that all pupils understand. The school ensures that pupils with SEND have appropriate learning resources that help them to consolidate important subject knowledge. Staff make effective use of these to support pupils with SEND to learn effectively.
This enables all pupils to learn the same content.
Pupils' personal development curriculum helps them to develop a strong knowledge and understanding of discrimination, different religions and equality. They use assemblies to revisit this learning.
The school makes attendance a high priority. Staff check absence with diligence. They are keen to work with parents to improve attendance.
The school is quick to identify patterns in attendance and to follow up with effective action.
The school is well supported by the trust. The trust works closely with the school and provides support and challenge for leaders.
It has an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for development. This helps them to support the school in its improvement. Staff feel well supported.
They are proud of their school and enjoy working at Rowde.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects in the wider curriculum, the precise knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn are not clearly identified.
In these subjects, pupils do not learn the important knowledge needed to take their next steps. They are unsure how content links to previous learning. The trust should ensure that the curriculum in all areas is improved so that important content is clearly identified and builds carefully, so that pupils' knowledge is secure.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.