Royal Park Primary Academy

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About Royal Park Primary Academy

Name Royal Park Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Penny Holmes
Address Riverside Road, Sidcup, DA14 4PX
Phone Number 02083007646
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 354
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school work hard, achieve well and behave responsibly. They benefit from a carefully thought-out and ambitious curriculum. This starts in the early years, where children are very well prepared for Year 1 and beyond, including in the very effective teaching of early reading.

Similarly, pupils in Year 6 are supported to be ready for the move to secondary school, having studied a broad range of subjects.

Leaders have ensured that there is a strong emphasis on promoting pupils' wider development. Leaders have reflected on pupils' needs following the pandemic and ensure that they promote pupils' mental well-being.

Vulnerable pupils receive additiona...l, carefully planned support. Pupils from the early years onwards enjoy opportunities to broaden their horizons and to develop new talents, for example by experiencing the very popular forest school and the on-site swimming pool.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.

From Nursery onwards, pupils are encouraged to cooperate and to respect each other. They are enthusiastic about their learning and keen to share ideas with others. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all aspects of school life, including pupils with more complex needs.

Pupils are safe at this school. They know that bullying, although rare, will get dealt with effectively when it is reported.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum that pupils follow is broad in scope and rich in content.

Leaders have thought carefully about the 'big questions' they want pupils to investigate and understand. Questions such as 'Are we all the same?' and 'Why must we look after our world?' provide stimulating hooks to help pupils to learn more over time. The curriculum is carefully sequenced.

In mathematics, for example, leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge and skills pupils need and set the curriculum so that pupils learn by building effectively on prior knowledge. This starts in the very early years, where children are quickly working with numbers. By the end of Year 6, pupils are solving real-life problems, such as calculating mortgage repayments.

Sometimes, this carefully considered curriculum is not implemented as leaders intend. On occasion, pupils miss out on subject content because the choice of topic or the teaching activity selected is not the most appropriate. This can lead to some gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Reading is prioritised. Leaders are passionate about reading. The effective teaching of early reading starts almost immediately in Reception.

Regular checking helps teachers and leaders to quickly identify pupils who need more help. Reading for pleasure is widely promoted around the school, and pupils are proud to celebrate the number of books they have read.

Pupils with SEND achieve well.

Teachers and leaders are swift to identify any additional needs that pupils may have. Leaders ensure that a range of adaptations are in place that help these pupils to access the same rich curriculum as their classmates. This starts in the Nursery, and includes pupils with more complex needs and those in the specially resourced provision.

Leaders have ensured that these pupils are fully included in school life, including enjoying success in sporting activities and after-school clubs.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.

They listen to teachers and to each other, and they are polite and engaging when talking to adults. Pupils show respect and kindness to others from different backgrounds or with different abilities.

Leaders are passionate about educating their pupils beyond the academic subjects.

This is evident in the relentless focus on pupils' wider personal development. Different aspects of the curriculum encourage pupils to empathise with others. Pupils are actively involved in events such as Down's Syndrome Awareness Day, Show Racism the Red Card and Human Rights Day.

Pupils are proud to take on extra responsibilities in school. For example, play leaders from the older years help younger children at social times. Leaders ensure that pupils from different backgrounds access the wide range of clubs and visits that are on offer.

Year 6 pupils enjoy a residential outward-bound trip, and leaders replicate the activities in school for those who are unable to attend. Pupils learn about relationships, healthy lifestyles and staying safe in an age-appropriate way.

Governors and leaders are ambitious for all pupils.

They are reflective, and know the school's strengths and areas for development well. Leaders have made sure that staff are well supported through effective training and development. This includes teachers who are new to the profession.

Staff are proud to work in the school and know that leaders support their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Governors, leaders and staff take their safeguarding duties seriously.

Staff are well trained, and are regularly updated on safeguarding matters. A dedicated team of safeguarding leads ensures that all concerns, no matter how small, are recorded and considered. Leaders take timely and effective action if they need to secure additional help for vulnerable pupils.

Pupils feel safe in the school. They know the names of five adults they can talk to if they have any worries. Pupils have been taught to keep themselves safe, including how to stay safe when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, teachers lack precision in their selection of teaching activities and do not choose those that are best suited to helping pupils to progress through the curriculum. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers select the most appropriate teaching tasks and topics that will enable pupils to learn more of the intended curriculum.

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