Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

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About Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Name Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul Needham
Address Rushy Meadow Lane, Fellowes Road, Carshalton, SM5 2SG
Phone Number 02086697588
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 380
Local Authority Sutton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils told us that their school is a good place to be.

They help each other, feel safe and are happy in school.

Leaders and teachers have high expectations for all pupils' achievement. They want pupils to be prepared for their future lives.

Pupils rise to these expectations.

Leaders enable pupils' ideas to be heard. There is a 'Pupil Parliament' with representatives from each year group.

Pupils discuss matters relating to their well-being and learning. They enjoy taking on responsibilities. For example, recently, Year 6 pupils have applied for jobs as librarians for the new library.

Pupils know the school's behaviour management sys...tem and said that it works as everyone behaves well. Pupils told us that bullying rarely happens, and if it does adults are quick to sort it out. Pupils show respect for each other and adults.

They celebrate the differences that are represented in the school community.

Parents and carers are full of praise for the work of leaders and the school. They appreciate attending events such as the 'come and be nosy' days, when they find out ways they can support their child to learn at home.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff have high aspirations. They want every pupil in the school to become a fluent reader, writer and mathematician. Leaders have well-established and successful plans for how reading, writing and mathematics are taught in the school.

They are equally ambitious for pupils' achievement in a wide range of other subjects. However, their plans for these are in the early stages of being put into practice.

Leaders ensure that reading is a top priority.

Children in the early years gain firm foundations in the core skills of reading. Pupils in Years 1 and 2 build on these skills and read books in school that are matched to the sounds they have learned. Pupils use their phonic knowledge and skills to read unfamiliar words.

However, the books that are sent home for pupils do not help them to practise their reading so well. Leaders have plans to reorganise this so that pupils read books at home that develop their skills better.

Pupils have not continued to develop their reading so well as they move up the school.

Leaders have responded to this recently by making changes to the way that reading is taught in Years 3 to 6. This includes ensuring that teachers improve their expertise in supporting older pupils with their use of phonics.

Leaders are revising their plans which set out what pupils will learn in a broad range of subjects from year to year.

They are clear on how different aspects of subjects link together and build. They are refining their plans where needed, for example in music, to give pupils better opportunities to learn about different composers. The plans for what pupils learn in design and technology (DT) are still at the early stages of development.

Leaders have made sure that subject plans include what is to be taught to children in the early years. This means that pupils build on their knowledge and skills as they move into Year 1. Staff use their assessments well to plan activities that enable children's learning and development across a wide range of subjects.

Children in the early years learn and play together in a happy and safe environment. We saw children sharing resources and being considerate towards each other. Parents told us that their children settled into school quickly.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons is positive throughout the school. They are very occasionally distracted when they move from one activity to another. Teachers help them to focus back on their work swiftly.

Staff support pupils' personal development well through lessons and extra-curricular activities. Pupils enjoy the many clubs on offer, including football club and cheerleading. Teachers use these experiences to promote pupils' resilience and social skills.

Leaders have worked with families so that overall, pupils' attendance has improved. However, there are some pupils who are absent from school too often.

Both in the mainstream classes and the specialist provision, pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported.

Leaders work closely with external agencies and other professionals to make sure that pupils' individual needs are met.

Leaders and staff work together as one team in the best interest of pupils. Staff told us that leaders take care of their well-being and help them manage their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive up-to-date training in line with the latest legislation.

Leaders have assessed the risks posed to pupils in their local community.

Staff receive frequent updates and training, so they know the school's procedures for raising concerns about pupils' safety or well-being. Leaders work closely with external agencies to protect pupils from potential harm.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in a wide range of situations.

For example, they learn about the dangers associated with talking to strangers.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have developed plans for almost all foundation subjects. Some plans, for example in DT, are in their infancy, or others such as music, need further work.

Leaders should ensure that the development of pupils' knowledge and skills in these subjects is based on clear and well-sequenced plans. It is evident from leaders' ongoing work that they are in the process of bringing this about. .

In key stage 1, pupils read books that match the sounds they have learned. However, some of the books that pupils take home are not fully supportive of the school's phonics programme. Leaders need to review the books pupils read and take home to help them practise and develop their reading skills .

Leaders have made positive changes to how reading is taught in key stage 2. These are making a difference. Leaders need to embed these approaches so that the proportion of pupils that reach the expected standard in reading continues to improve at the end of Year 6.

. Leaders have worked hard to engage parents and support them to get their children to attend school regularly. Nevertheless, the proportion of pupils who are persistently absent needs to reduce.

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