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Leaders provide a safe, positive and stimulating school environment. They want pupils to experience a rich range of opportunities. Pupils are happy at school and enjoy the positive working relationships with staff.
Leaders provide a wealth of opportunities to celebrate diversity and appreciate individual identities. For instance, pupils and families enjoyed an international day.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' behaviour and learning.
Pupils' behaviour in lessons is positive. Staff support all pupils to express feelings and communicate effectively. Staff support pupils to behave well.
This includes pupils with complex needs who need help to... regulate their behaviour and feelings.
Pupils embrace the school's values and apply them throughout their school life. For instance, staff help pupils to grow into resilient individuals.
Pupils learn about local artists and musicians. They benefit from visiting musicians and take part in concerts. Teachers encourage cooking and healthy food throughout the school.
For example, pupils worked with a chef to understand about foods from different cultures.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. They have considered the key knowledge and vocabulary that they want pupils to know.
Leaders' curricular thinking is well developed and seeks to continuously improve subjects. They provide regular training for staff to ensure a consistent approach to teaching. The early years has a stimulating and engaging curriculum, which prepares pupils for Year 1.
Children learn about early number effectively in daily mathematics sessions. For example, adults supported Nursery children to compare the sizes of towers they had built.
Teachers present information clearly and ask questions to deepen pupils' thinking.
For example, pupils in Year 2 discussed human and physical geographical features in different places. Typically, teachers help pupils to have deep subject-specific knowledge and clarify any misconceptions that pupils have. Sometimes, teaching does not check pupils' prior learning effectively.
This means that, on these occasions, pupils are not fully ready for future content.
Leaders have placed a high priority on early reading. Language and communication skills are an important focus in early years.
Children enjoy stories and rhymes, and all adults help them to remain focused. Leaders ensure that all staff are trained to deliver phonics consistently. Pupils learn the letter sounds quickly and can blend effectively.
Teachers help pupils to broaden their understanding of vocabulary in books. They encourage pupils to enjoy and understand what they read. Teachers check pupils' phonics understanding and provide additional support to help pupils keep up.
Staff help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to access the same curriculum as their peers. They use resources to help pupils understand concepts. For example, staff provided equipment for pupils to act out the story they were listening to.
Leaders plan the adult support pupils will receive carefully. They help pupils to develop independence and self-regulation. Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND can access enrichment opportunities.
Teachers help pupils to remain focused in lessons. They provide opportunities for pupils to work in groups, encouraging the development of teamwork skills. Pupils work well independently.
The school has a calm environment, and teachers have positive, respectful relationships with pupils. Teachers deal with any interruptions in lessons quickly.
Leaders create a culture that embraces difference.
Teachers encourage pupils to help each other. Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities to enhance pupils' personal development. Leaders encourage pupils to share their opinions.
For example, pupils debated issues and campaigned to raise awareness of community environmental concerns. The junior leadership team works with leaders to make positive changes to the school.
The governing body and leaders accurately identify the school's strengths and areas to develop further.
They have set out clear plans on how to achieve this. Staff feel valued and appreciate the support they receive from leaders. They enjoy working collaboratively as a team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders know their pupils well. They provide timely support and guidance to families.
They have secure systems to monitor and support vulnerable pupils. All staff receive regular training and are aware of how to identify potential concerns and act swiftly. Leaders engage with external agencies and provide early help to families when required.
Pupils have a secure understanding of how to stay safe online and in the wider context. Teachers provide pupils with relevant scenarios to help them discuss how to deal with unsafe situations. Pupils know that they have an adult in school with whom they can share concerns.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Sometimes, teaching does not account for pupils' prior learning effectively. As a result, pupils on these occasions are not fully ready for future content. Leaders should ensure that they use formative assessment consistently so that pupils' recall of prior knowledge prepares them for new learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.