Sacred Heart Catholic High School

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About Sacred Heart Catholic High School

Name Sacred Heart Catholic High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Suzanne Howell
Address Fenham Hall Drive, Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE4 9YH
Phone Number 01912747373
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1387
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils belong to a caring school community that welcomes all. The school values pupils for who they are.

It celebrates pupils' different faiths and cultures. It also works in close partnership with parents and carers in the best interests of pupils. Pupils are polite and friendly.

They show a pride in their school.

The school has high aspirations for what pupils can achieve, both at school and in their future careers. Pupils realise those high aspirations.

They benefit from excellent teaching and become effective independent learners. Pupils achieve considerable success in their examinations.

Pupils behave in an exemplary manner.

Th...ey take responsibility for their own behaviour and show respect and kindness to all. Pupils build strong friendships with each other and support each other's well-being. They also form positive relationships with staff.

The school has created a culture in which pupils can thrive.

The school provides pupils with a diverse range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Pupils enjoy educational visits that enrich their learning.

They take part in extra-curricular activities, including sport, music and dance. Sixth-form students play a central role in the life of the school. Indeed, this is a school where pupils lead and give back to others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established a broad and ambitious curriculum. It has applied considerable thought to the content and sequencing of the curriculum. Pupils build their knowledge and skills in a coherent and progressive manner.

They learn to work and think like subject specialists. At key stage 3, pupils gain the foundational knowledge they need for future success. At key stage 4 and in the sixth form, they deepen and extend their learning.

Expert guidance supports pupils in selecting key stage 4 and 5 courses that meet both their needs and interests. A large proportion of sixth-form students progress on to higher education. While others secure apprenticeships and employment.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same curriculum as their peers. The school identifies pupils' needs with speed and precision. It ensures that pupils with SEND get the specific help they need.

Pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well from their individual starting points. The school also identifies those pupils who need extra help with their reading. It provides these pupils with support that is matched to their reading development needs.

This helps pupils to become confident and fluent readers.Pupils read widely and often at school. The school promotes a love for reading through events, such as author visits and a reading festival.

Sixth-form students help younger pupils with their reading. The school has established a culture of reading. This culture makes a significant contribution to pupils' achievement.

Teaching is of a high quality. Teachers have expert subject knowledge. They use this to good effect in presenting new information to pupils.

They revisit what pupils have learned before and build on that learning. Moreover, they adapt their teaching to consolidate and extend pupils' knowledge and understanding. In the sixth form, teachers' skilful questioning generates discussion and debate.

Sixth-form students develop their skills of analysis and evaluation. They acquire a rich and deep body of knowledge. Pupils at all key stages achieve very highly.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning are exceptional. The school expects pupils to respect others and show commitment to their learning. Pupils meet these expectations.

They benefit from a well-established school ethos, founded on the school's history and traditions.The school's approach to pupils' personal development is exceptional. It has a clear intent to develop attributes such as resilience, confidence and compassion.

In Years 7 and 9, pupils complete a programme entitled 'Girls' resilience in thinking'. In the sixth form, all students complete the Janet Erskine Stuart Award. This award recognises students' contributions to the life of the school and the wider community.

Pupils learn about relationships, equality and diversity, and physical and mental health. They also get high-quality careers education and guidance. This helps them to make well-informed choices about their future careers.

The school is committed to its mission of enabling educational and future success for every pupil. It works with intelligence and determination to achieve such success. Trustees and local governors fulfil their responsibilities with appropriate rigour.

They provide strategic oversight of the school's provision and hold school leaders to account. Supported by the trust, the school provides staff with excellent professional development. Staff enjoy working at the school.

The school values staff. It ensures that staff workload is manageable and prioritises staff well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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