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About Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Hartlepool
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary is a school where everyone is respected.
The school's Christian values are at its heart. Around school, pupils work and collaborate in a calm and purposeful way. Pupils are proud of their school.
The new leadership team is working successfully together. Leaders have high aspirations for what all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve.
The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour.
Pupils respond well to these expectations. Pupils' behaviour is good. They are well-mannered and courteous, both in class and around school.
Pupils are happy and well ca...red for. Bullying is rare. Pupils know they have supportive friends and caring adults whom they can trust should they have any concerns.
This makes the school a safe and enjoyable place to be.
The school has an ambitious curriculum, which begins in the early years. Pupils benefit from a wide range of visits and experiences.
These experiences support pupils' learning and further develop their interests. External visitors are welcomed into school to address issues faced by pupils, such as staying safe by water.
Pupils appreciate the variety of clubs available to them outside of the curriculum, including sports, pottery, drama and musical opportunities.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
All leaders, including trust leaders, are highly ambitious for the school. They provide a clear vision and direction to support continuous improvements.
The school has developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND.
The curriculum is clearly sequenced. Teachers know exactly what pupils need to learn and in what order. However, there are some inconsistencies in how well staff deliver the curriculum.
At times, the choice of activity or support provided does not help pupils to learn as well as they could. This means some pupils do not learn what leaders have intended.
Reading has a high priority in this school.
Most pupils learn to read fluently at the earliest possible stage. Skilled staff teach phonics from children's first days in the Reception class. Those at risk of falling behind receive extra support to help them catch up.
Pupils read books that are matched closely to the sounds that they know. Most pupils are fluent readers by the time they leave key stage 1.
Pupils are enthusiastic mathematicians.
Skilled teaching means that pupils gain a strong understanding of mathematical concepts. Pupils develop fluency with numbers. They can confidently approach increasingly complex problems as they move through the school.
Pupils use mathematical vocabulary successfully to explain their thinking. Pupils achieve well in mathematics.
Systems are in place to identify and support pupils with SEND.
However, sometimes these systems are not effective in helping pupils to receive the tailored support that they need. At times, some staff lack expertise. They are unable to swiftly identify pupils who need additional help or adapt lessons sufficiently well to help these pupils.
Therefore, some pupils with SEND do not achieve as well as they could.
In the early years, the curriculum prepares children for their learning in Year 1. Children quickly settle in Nursery.
There is a well-organised and stimulating learning environment. Children talk to adults confidently. Adults use these opportunities to develop children's speech and vocabulary.
Children are well cared for. Relationships between staff and children are warm.
The school has designed the personal, social and health education curriculum well.
All pupils, including those with SEND, experience a broad range of opportunities that enhance their personal development. Pupils develop a secure, age-appropriate understanding of this curriculum. Pupils understand what a healthy relationship is.
They learn how to keep themselves safe, including online. Pupils have a strong awareness of diversity and the protected characteristics.
Staff establish effective routines for pupils' behaviour from the moment they start school.
As a result, pupils behave well. Pupils listen carefully to instructions and conduct themselves well in lessons. They have positive attitudes to their learning.
The school encourages pupils to be independent and resilient. Pupils know that if they need help with their work, they should try first before asking for help.
Attendance is a priority for all, including for pupils with SEND.
The school's new, robust systems to check on pupils' attendance are helping to secure improvements.
Trustees and local governors are dedicated to, and passionate about, their school.They offer appropriate challenge and support to ensure that the school continues to build on its successes.
Staff are very happy, and supportive of one another. They highly value the help from leaders to manage their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The curriculum is not always delivered as the school intends. This means that some pupils do not have sufficient opportunities or guidance to build on prior learning. This slows pupils' learning.
The school should ensure that it provides training so that all staff have the confidence and expertise to support pupils' learning effectively. ? The SEND provision does not always meet pupils' needs. There are sometimes delays in identifying pupils with SEND.
Some support plans do not align with identified needs and some staff struggle to adapt lessons successfully. This means that some pupils with SEND do not receive the support they need to achieve as well as they could. The school should review its current processes and provide specific training for staff so that they can successfully identify and meet the needs of all pupils with SEND.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.