Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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About Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Name Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Colleen Harding
Address Selby Street, Warrington, WA5 1NS
Phone Number 01925636235
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 197
Local Authority Warrington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are pillars of their school community. They proudly undertake a range of responsibilities to play their part in making the school a happy, harmonious place to be.

For instance, older pupils serve as reading buddies to those in the Reception Year. Also, school councillors give out 'healthy snack stickers' to other pupils at break-times to encourage healthy eating choices.

Pupils flocked to inspectors to tell them how happy they are at their school.

They talked about how welcoming the school is and how well it celebrates pupils' diverse backgrounds. Pupils feel safe and extremely well cared for by their teachers.

The school is highly ambitious f...or what pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), will achieve.

Pupils respond to these expectations with zeal and determination to do their best. They achieve very well across the curriculum by the time that they leave Year 6. Pupils are extremely well prepared for their transition to high school.

Pupils' sense of responsibility to care for others is palpable. They engage in a wide range of community events and charitable causes. One such example is when pupils made spaghetti bolognese for a charity food initiative.

Another was a recent singing event at a performance venue in the town to raise money for a partner school in Kenya.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders at all levels have given considerable thought to the design of the curriculum. It is broad and very ambitious.

The curriculum clearly identifies the knowledge that pupils will learn in each subject and at what point subject content will be taught. Over time, pupils, including those with SEND, build a rich body of knowledge across all national curriculum subjects.

Children in the early years make a positive start to their schooling.

They are typically ready to make a smooth start in Year 1. However, the school has not provided enough guidance to ensure that the early years curriculum is delivered as well as intended. This sometimes impacts on children's learning.

The school has woven its six core values into its curriculum design through 'curriculum roots'. Pupils have real, meaningful opportunities to relate their learning to these values. For instance, through last half-term's focus on the value of courage, pupils learned about significant people in history who acted bravely.

Pupils then engaged in a range of activities that encouraged them to be courageous. This curriculum thinking significantly enhances pupils' personal development.

Staff have high levels of expertise in the areas that they teach.

They deliver national curriculum subjects extremely well. They constantly check what pupils have understood in lessons. They provide swift, highly effective guidance to pupils who struggle with new learning.

This helps pupils to quickly overcome any misconceptions or gaps in their knowledge. It also helps them to continually build on what they already know and can do.

The school identifies pupils with SEND early and accurately.

It ensures that staff are fully aware of the adaptations that they need to make to their teaching. This ensures that pupils with SEND learn successfully and develop as well-rounded youngsters ready for their next stage in their lives.

The school places the highest priority on reading.

Children begin to learn phonics as soon as they start in the early years. Staff are skilful in delivering this programme. Pupils who find it tricky to learn new sounds receive a wide range of extra support and practise so that they keep pace with the programme.

Almost all pupils become confident, fluent readers by the time that they leave Year 1.

The school promotes reading well throughout the curriculum. Teachers choose engaging, high-quality texts and stories to share with their classes.

Pupils said that they read or listen to new poems most days of the week. They particularly enjoyed the humorous poems that they have studied most recently.

There is an exceptional, wide-ranging approach to catering for pupils' personal development.

The school organises carefully considered curriculum trips and other rich experiences, which broaden pupils' horizons and extend their learning. Pupils regularly debate topical issues. They know how to put forward their opposing points of view while still respecting the opinions of others.

They have a secure knowledge of fundamental British values such as democracy. Pupils have a deep respect for people's differences. They regularly benefit from the wide range of clubs and activities on offer.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are highly attentive in their lessons and do not disrupt each other's learning. Pupils are sensible and friendly during social times.

They very rarely fall out. They are courteous to each other, often holding their doors open for the teachers and fellow classmates.

Staff are happy at the school.

They appreciate the termly meetings with leaders to talk constructively about their current workload and their general well-being. Governors know their duties and carry them out effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some instances, the school does not provide the guidance that is needed to support the delivery of the early years curriculum. At times, this means that some curriculum content is not delivered as effectively as it could be. The school should equip staff with the skills and expertise that they need to make sure that the curriculum in all areas of learning is delivered equally well.

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