Saffron Green Primary School

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About Saffron Green Primary School

Name Saffron Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Amy Salsbury
Address Nicoll Way, Borehamwood, WD6 2PP
Phone Number 02089533801
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 197
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school. There is an emphasis on togetherness.

Pupils told inspectors, 'Everyone cares about each other.' Staff and governors build strong relationships with pupils quickly.

The school's expectations have risen since the previous inspection, and this is reflected in recent improvements to behaviour.

From early years to Year 6, behaviour in lessons is settled. The school has introduced effective ways to help pupils manage their feelings. For example, the new 'calm zone' is helping pupils manage their behaviour with greater success.

The school has developed an ambitious curriculum. It is aspirational for pupils' academic achiev...ements. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from this.

Pupils work hard in lessons and enjoy learning. As a result, pupils achieve well.

Pupils develop their understanding of different cultures and faiths that make up modern Britain.

They understand the similarities and differences between a range of religions and cultures. The school promotes pupils' leadership skills effectively. For example, as house captains, pupils develop their character and teamwork.

They are proud to make a difference in their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the previous inspection, the school has developed a well-sequenced curriculum. It outlines what pupils need to learn in each subject clearly, at each stage of their education.

The school expects pupils to achieve highly, including those with SEND. Staff are knowledgeable in identifying and meeting the needs of all pupils. They make suitable adaptations to meet individual pupils' needs.

Staff have secure subject knowledge. They communicate concepts to pupils clearly. The school has developed robust procedures to check what pupils have learned over time.

This is used to inform and improve the curriculum. However, staff do not check pupils' understanding consistently in lessons to identify and correct errors swiftly. As a result, a small number of pupils have misconceptions that go unaddressed.

Reading is prioritised. From the early years, children are immersed in daily rhymes and stories. The phonics programme is well established and taught consistently well.

This ensures that pupils make a strong start. Regular checks and careful analysis ensure pupils are identified early if at risk of being left behind, and they are helped to keep up. As pupils move through the school, they continue to enjoy a strong reading curriculum.

High-quality texts support pupils in developing and using their vocabulary.

Children are taught quickly how to behave when they join in Nursery or Reception. The school has established effective routines.

Recently, the school has updated its approach to managing behaviour. This has been very successful in improving quickly how pupils behave in lessons and around school. Pupils are enthusiastic about the impact of these changes.

They are polite and well-mannered. Learning is rarely disrupted. When pupils find it difficult to behave well, they are supported well by staff.

Pupils say that bullying is rare. They have confidence in adults to help them.

The school monitors and manages attendance well.

For example, the school has improved how it identifies and responds when pupils are absent. Despite the school seeing some significant improvements for individual pupils, some do not attend school regularly enough. As a result, they miss valuable learning.

The school has developed a broad offer to support pupils' personal development. For example, pupils are taught how to stay safe online through the wider curriculum. This has been particularly important for older pupils.

Pupils excitedly recall trips. For example, when they experience life as Victorian children. The school has improved the clubs on offer to develop pupils' talents and interests, including for those who are disadvantaged.

For example, the recent addition of 'spy club' has been popular with pupils. Parents are rightly very positive about this aspect of the school's work.

Governors understand their role and take this seriously.

They have developed useful systems and processes to hold the school to account effectively. Governors benefit from external experts' advice. This is used to monitor the school's progress against agreed actions effectively.

Staff speak very highly of the school. They are all proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff do not check pupils' understanding during lessons carefully or consistently. Therefore, a small number of pupils develop misconceptions, which go unaddressed. The school should ensure staff are equipped with the expertise they need to identify and correct errors swiftly, enabling pupils to make better progress.

• The school's work to improve attendance has not yet had enough impact. Some pupils still do not come to school regularly enough and too many are persistently absent. The school should continue to apply its improved systems to support pupils to attend more regularly.

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