Saint Michael’s Catholic High School

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About Saint Michael’s Catholic High School

Name Saint Michael’s Catholic High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Edward Conway
Address High Elms Lane, Garston, Watford, WD25 0SS
Phone Number 01923673760
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1106
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to be members of this inclusive community. They are supportive of each other, and they enjoy coming to school.

They take advantage of a range of clubs, visits and opportunities that are available. These activities develop pupils' confidence and character, so they grow to become well-rounded members of the community.

Pupils study a broad and ambitious curriculum.

Typically, they are challenged in their thinking, and they learn well. However, this is not evident in all areas of the curriculum. As a result, some pupils are left without a secure understanding of new learning.

Pupils' behaviour is highly positive. They manage their own co...nduct with maturity. Pupils treat each other, adults and visitors with courtesy and kindness.

They make valuable contributions to school life. For instance, many pupils volunteer to support their younger peers in lessons. They build and value excellent friendships.

Pupils learn about and understand the importance of respecting differences without prejudice.

Pupils feel safe in school. They know how to seek help if they require it.

Pupils learn about topics such as the responsible use of social media and healthy relationships. Effective careers advice and guidance help pupils to make informed choices about their next steps. They gain an insight into the challenges of adulthood, such as managing money and renting accommodation.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum identifies the important knowledge that each year group needs to know. This knowledge builds up gradually as pupils progress through the school. The curriculum is clear about what teachers should teach and the order in which they should teach it.

Teachers use their expert subject knowledge to explain new concepts in a clear and engaging way and anticipate where pupils may make mistakes.

Many teachers use questioning routinely to identify what pupils do not know. They use this knowledge to adapt learning so that pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can access the curriculum and produce high-quality work.

However, this is not consistent across the school. Some staff do not check effectively how well pupils have understood new content. In these cases, some pupils' misconceptions go unaddressed, which impacts negatively on their understanding and progress through the curriculum.

The school identifies and meets the needs of pupils with SEND through regular monitoring and sharing of strategies. The school regularly checks how well pupils can read. Those pupils who require support with reading get this in a timely manner to enable them to access the planned ambitious curriculum.

Students in the sixth form follow a mixture of vocational and academic qualifications. The strong pastoral care and positive ethos support transition and aid their learning. Students are well prepared for their next steps.

Students learn how to study independently, carry out research and receive effective advice on careers, higher education and apprenticeships. They successfully complete their studies and achieve well. They are, therefore, very well equipped to make informed, ambitious choices about the next stages in their education or employment.

Sixth form students are active in supporting younger pupils with their learning across the curriculum.

Leaders have taken decisive decisions that focus on making improvements for pupils. For example, the school day and the curriculum offer have been revised.

More time is available for learning. There is also greater clarity about what should be taught and when. Staff now have consistent and clear expectations about what makes teaching effective through the extensive training that has been provided.

If staff need additional support, they receive this.

The school works closely with individual pupils and their families to ensure that pupils come to school regularly. Consequently, the school's attendance rates are high.

The school's well-structured and comprehensive personal development programme ensures that pupils are well prepared for life in a changing modern Britain. They learn about democracy and how to be a good citizen. The school provides many opportunities for pupils of all ages to encounter employers and learn about the world of work.

Additional inputs from local media companies ensure that pupils know about the industry surrounding their community. Pupils learn about their own and the wider community. They know the importance of caring for others.

The caring ethos of the school is exemplified by pupils raising extensive funds for their local community and international charities.

The school has undergone many positive changes from improvements to the fabric of the building to the curriculum and how it is taught. These have been led and managed well and have gained the confidence of parents, staff and pupils.

Leaders are clear about the strengths and areas for further development of the school. Staff feel supported with their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasions, teachers do not check pupils' understanding of content effectively before moving on to new learning. This means that some pupils have misconceptions that go unnoticed, and this impacts on their having a secure understanding of some important subject knowledge, so they do not achieve as well as they could. The school should ensure that all teachers are skilled in identifying and swiftly addressing any insecure knowledge so that pupils achieve as well as they can.

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