Salehurst Church of England Primary School

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About Salehurst Church of England Primary School

Name Salehurst Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kathryn Robertson
Address George Hill, Robertsbridge, TN32 5BU
Phone Number 01580880288
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 189
Local Authority East Sussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy because they are nurtured and valued at this caring school.

Staff know pupils well. Pupils' achievements, both in and out of school, are encouraged, recognised and celebrated. Relationships throughout reflect the focus on being 'ready, respectful and safe'.

Pupils know that kindness is important. Any unkind behaviour is addressed swiftly by staff. As a result, bullying is rare.

Pupils are safe and feel safe.

Staff expect pupils to work hard and achieve well in all subjects, but especially in English and mathematics. Pupils rise to these expectations.

They find their work interesting and apply themselves diligently. Pupils co...nduct themselves well around the school. They understand and follow the clearly established routines, both in classes and outside.

The school is a calm and orderly environment.

The school is at the heart of its community. Pupils are encouraged to take part in local events.

This has included making lanterns to take to an upcoming local celebration. Regular visitors help enhance the curriculum. For instance, a pupil could confidently explain how his understanding of art had been broadened by a talk from a local illustrator.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have revised the curriculum carefully. The changes that they have made, such as introducing a new approach to the teaching of phonics, have strengthened provision. Consideration has been given to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), experience a broad and balanced curriculum.

The curriculum in English and mathematics is well structured and ambitious. Pupils achieve well in these subjects, including pupils with SEND. However, the curriculum in some other subjects is at an earlier stage of being implemented.

This means pupils are not always reaching the same high standards of developing subject knowledge and skills in the wider curriculum as they are in English and mathematics. Leaders are taking action to address this.

Leaders have ensured that staff have the subject knowledge they need to deliver the curriculum effectively.

Staff are positive about this support, including how working across the federation has helped to develop their expertise and support their workload. Subject leaders are passionate about their subjects. However, not all subject leaders have yet checked to see how effective the learning has been in helping pupils to know more and remember more across the school's curriculum.

Reading is at the centre of the curriculum. Learning to read is a priority right from the start in Reception. Pupils get off to a good start because phonics is taught well.

They practise their skills using books which are carefully selected to help them succeed. Staff check pupils' learning regularly and provide additional support for anyone who starts to fall behind. Pupils like reading and being read to.

They are keen to comment about the plots and characters in the stories read to them by their teachers. As they move up through the school, they discuss issues raised by some complex texts with maturity and insight. Pupils are articulate.

Their responses are well reasoned.

Pupils behave well in lessons. They get along with each other and their teachers.

Right from the start, children in Reception follow instructions and concentrate on their tasks, both individually and in groups. This helps them to learn well. For example, a group of the youngest children spent some time looking carefully at a picture of a natural sculpture before meticulously arranging their own wooden blocks.

They then explained their choices in detail to an adult. Any pupils who need additional help to stay on task are given the support they need to learn effectively. Staff identify and understand pupils needs well, including pupils with SEND.

They meet these needs with thought and care.

Leaders have ensured that pupils' personal development is considered well. The curriculum helps pupils to learn about themselves and others.

This includes learning about people who have a range of different beliefs. One pupil explained, 'We treat everyone the same.' Discrimination of any form is not tolerated and is swiftly addressed.

Pupils understand and demonstrate the school ethos of 'respect, friendship, courage and compassion' and use this in how they conduct themselves around school.

Governance is strong. Governors are highly skilled and make sure that they are well informed.

This means that they have a good understanding of the schools' strengths and needs. Governors use this knowledge well to both support and challenge senior leaders to further develop and improve the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that everyone is trained in safeguarding. Leaders review and, when necessary, report any indications that a child may be at risk of harm. They have introduced an online system to help with recording information.

They also use this system well to help identify any patterns that might signify concerns. Leaders know pupils and their families well. They offer timely and appropriate help where it is needed.

Leaders manage risk effectively. The curriculum for safeguarding, including online safety, is regularly reviewed and adapted. Governors regularly check that all is as it should be, including processes for recruitment and checks on staff.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? The revised curriculum has not yet been fully implemented in all subjects. Leaders have not evaluated its impact on helping pupils to know more and remember more across the wider curriculum. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders have the expertise required to fully evaluate the impact of the learning in their individual subjects.

• Some subjects in the wider curriculum are at an earlier stage of implementation. In these subjects, pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum in all subjects is as ambitious and is implemented as is evident in the core curriculum.

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