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Pupils say that Manor Fields Primary is a happy place where everyone is welcome. Most pupils attend well.
Children get off to a great start in Reception because they learn routines quickly and the curriculum is carefully thought out to meet their needs. Elsewhere, pupils follow a broad curriculum and most learn it well. Every pupil learns Spanish.
Pupils' studies go beyond the classroom. For example, they undertake geographical fieldwork in the locality and beyond. Highlights for many pupils are visiting the science museum and the pantomime.
Pupils like taking part in charity events such as Macmillan Coffee mornings. There are lots of extra-curricular clubs o...n offer for pupils to enjoy.
Pupils respond well to the consistent expectations staff set.
Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times. Over time, most pupils become confident and self-assured. They say that bullying is rare but when it does happen staff act quickly and deal with it.
Pupils receive strong pastoral support, including those pupils in the specialist resource base (SRB).
The vast majority of parents or carers are positive about the school. For example, every parent who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, would recommend the school to another parent.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders revisit the curriculum regularly to ensure that it continually improves. Leaders know the school's strengths and act on any relative weaknesses when they arise. Governors have effective systems in place to quality assure the school's work.
They check that the school meets its statutory duties. Governors make well-thought-out strategic decisions that focus on improving the quality of pupils' education.
The curriculum identifies precisely the knowledge that pupils should learn across all subjects.
Staff usually implement the curriculum well. Pupils learn a lot. Many pupils talk readily about what they know and remember across a wide range of subjects.
In the past, some pupils did not learn the most complex knowledge in English and mathematics early enough. Leaders' work to act on this is nearing completion. For example, in mathematics, teaching ensures that pupils across the school learn the necessary subject content at the right time.
Consequently, most pupils can apply their understanding of mathematical concepts well, including in the early years.
Staff implement the English curriculum increasingly well. Pupils now gain a greater understanding of what they read and how to write with quality much earlier in their schooling.
This provides pupils with all the foundational knowledge they need for what comes next in key stage 2. Most pupils in key stage 2 keep up with the English curriculum. However, a small minority of older pupils are having some adaptations to the school-wide approaches to teaching English.
These changes do not prevent them from having access to an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum. Nonetheless, a small number of pupils do not gain sufficient practice in deepening their English knowledge. This prevents them from writing with the complexity and skill they need to excel.
There is an embedded and consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Books that pupils read match the sounds that they are learning. The teaching of phonics in early years and key stage 1 is effective.
As a result, the vast majority of pupils learn to read well and most spell accurately. When pupils struggle, extra phonics teaching helps them to improve their reading fluency over time.
There are a full range of strategies in place to check what pupils know and understand across subjects.
However, there are occasions when teaching is not built strongly on what pupils already know. Sometimes, staff do not identify or address misconceptions quickly enough. This slows a minority of pupils' learning down.
As a result of effective leadership, most pupils with SEND learn well and receive strong pastoral support. Leaders ensure that pupils' targets focus on the right things. Teaching in the SRB focuses on pupils' education health and care plan targets.
Specialist support and additional therapies support these pupils well. However, at times, some interactions between adults and a minority of pupils in the SRB are not sufficiently precise. When this happens, teaching does not prioritise the most essential knowledge that these pupils need to know next.
The curriculum teaches pupils about equality and diversity and how to have healthy relationships. Pupils learn to be good citizens and show care and empathy for others. They gain a strong understanding of right and wrong.
Leaders challenge poor attendance. As a result, persistent absence has decreased markedly. Leaders take staff workload into account.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders conduct safer recruitment checks in line with current legislation. Staff training is up to date.
Staff refer concerns on to the appropriate staff and agencies in line with relevant guidance.
Recently, leaders have strengthened the systems and processes to record safeguarding concerns. Leaders meet regularly to review caseloads and check they are doing everything they can when they believe that pupils may be at risk of harm.
Pupils find the curriculum to keep them safe informative and useful. They talk knowledgeably about how to keep safe online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teaching does not always build astutely on what pupils already know.
Some teaching does not address pupils' misconceptions sufficiently or pupils do not learn the most essential knowledge they need to know next. This slows a minority of pupils' learning down. Leaders must ensure that teaching focuses precisely on what all pupils need to know next and any misconceptions are dealt with swiftly, including in the specialist resource base.
• Some recent adaptations to the English curriculum are still being embedded. A minority of older pupils do not get enough practice to secure the most complex knowledge they need to thrive. Leaders must ensure that all pupils learn the intended curriculum in good time, so that all pupils are able to apply their English knowledge expertly and to write with the complexity and flair of which they are capable.