Salisbury Manor Primary School

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About Salisbury Manor Primary School

Name Salisbury Manor Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Emily Curtis
Address 4 Burnside Avenue, London, E4 8YJ
Phone Number 02085277433
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 301
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a happy, caring and thriving school. Pupils enjoy their learning and the time they spend together at social times. They show kindness towards each other and make sure that everyone feels included in their games.

All staff have high expectations for what pupils can achieve. Pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum that motivates them to achieve well. They work hard and are well behaved during their lessons.

Pupils listen carefully and respond well to adults who support them. They feel and are kept safe. Pupils know there is someone who they can talk to if they have a worry.

They know how to stay safe online.

Pupils can take on a range... of leadership opportunities such as prefects, student council members and play leaders. They enjoy the clubs on offer such as football and journalism.

Pupils look forward to their residential school trips. The school encourages pupils to keep active with a range of activities organised during playtimes and lunchtimes. They love the music that is regularly played during breaktimes.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious curriculum for all subjects. Leaders' curriculum thinking and assessment outlines clearly what pupils need to know and remember. The strong foundations for this begin in the early years.

Staff develop children's communication skills well. Across the school, teachers ensure that a language-rich environment helps pupils to develop their knowledge and vocabulary. In mathematics, pupils quickly develop a strong knowledge of calculating, problem-solving and reasoning.

In some subjects, curricular plans have not been in place for very long. In these subjects, pupils' recall of subject content is not fully secure.

Reading is a key school priority from the moment children start school.

The approach to early reading and the teaching of phonics is well structured. Leaders provide well-planned support and training in phonics for staff. Books and other reading materials are well matched to pupils' phonic knowledge.

Staff assess pupils' reading needs accurately. They put in place effective support for those pupils who need to catch up with reading quickly. This has resulted in significant improvement in pupils' outcomes for the Year 1 phonics check.

Pupils enjoy reading and access a wide variety of books and texts.

The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This means that staff can make effective adaptations to learning.

Leaders works with external agencies to secure additional support when needed. As a result, all pupils with SEND access the full curriculum and achieve well.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is calm and orderly.

Low-level disruption is rare, which means pupils remain focused on learning in lessons. In early years staff enable children to follow routines and instructions so they are ready for Year 1.Leaders provide effective support for those pupils whose attendance needs to improve.

The school gives considerable thought and care to pupils' personal development. Pupils are taught about different faiths, beliefs and lifestyles. They understand that discrimination should never be tolerated.

Staff are very kind and compassionate in supporting pupils' pastoral and emotional needs, including pupils with SEND.

Pupils participate in a range of clubs and educational visits, such as to local museums. They are taught about environmental issues and how to be responsible citizens.

Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND are fully included in enrichment opportunities.

Trustees have a clear understanding of the priorities for the school and areas they want to improve further. The local governing body knows the community well.

Leaders at all levels have worked to bring about significant recent improvements to the school.

Staff are happy to work at this school. They said that the school's caring culture applies to staff as well as pupils.

They appreciate the high-quality training they receive from the trust. Leaders are considerate of staff's workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, the school has a newly implemented curriculum which is not fully embedded. As a result, pupils' recall of some of the key subject content that they need to learn is not secure. The school needs to continue its work to implement and strengthen the curriculum in these subjects so that all subject leaders and teachers are well trained to deliver and monitor the impact of curriculum changes on pupils' knowledge and understanding.

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