Salvatorian Roman Catholic College

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About Salvatorian Roman Catholic College

Name Salvatorian Roman Catholic College
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Alan Bryant
Address High Road, Harrow Weald, Harrow, HA3 5DY
Phone Number 02088632706
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 706
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher, senior leaders and the governing body have made significant improvements since the previous inspection.

As a result, teaching is now good and pupils across the school make good progress. Leaders have high aspirations for both staff and pupils. Whole-school systems are routinely applied, which ensures that pupils are clear about staff's expectations.

Teachers plan interesting activities that engage pupils in their learning and ensure that they are suitably supported and challenged. Leaders have created a nurturing environment and planned an appropriate curriculum that effectively promotes pupils' academic, spiritual and em...otional development. Pupils are proud of their school, are keen to do well and work hard.

Their conduct around the school site is consistently calm and orderly. Pupils respect and celebrate each other's differences in this diverse learning community. Governors are increasingly challenging to school leaders.

They are clear about the school's strengths and areas that require further development. Leaders share this accurate understanding of the school. Plans to develop the school further are detailed and appropriate.

Most pupils across the school make good progress from their starting points. However, a small number make less progress than they are capable of. A small number of disadvantaged pupils, particularly those who arrive in-year from other schools, do not make the same progress as pupils nationally.

Leaders meticulously track the progress of all pupils and intervene should their progress stall. Sometimes, actions to address potential underachievement are not specific enough and consequently, identified pupils' progress can be slow. Leaders have rightly identified that the most able pupils could make even better progress from their starting points.

This is now a school priority. While most pupils enjoy coming to school, a minority attend less regularly than they should. School leaders are working closely with their families to address this.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. Salvatorian Roman Catholic College is a smaller than the average-sized 11–16 boys' secondary school.

Priests live in accommodation on the school site. Less than a quarter of the pupils are known to be eligible for the pupil premium, which is below average. 70% of pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds, which is much higher than the national average.

The largest groups are those who are Black African, any other White background, any other Asian background and Black Caribbean. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average. The proportion of pupils who receive special educational needs support is below the national average.

The proportion of pupils with a statement of special educational needs and/or disabilities or those with an education, health and care plan is above the national average. Pupils' attainment on entry into key stage 3 is generally in line with the national average, with some year groups being above. The school met the government's floor standards in 2015, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

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