Scamblesby Church of England Primary School

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About Scamblesby Church of England Primary School

Name Scamblesby Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Kieran Ola
Address Old Main Road, Louth, LN11 9XG
Phone Number 01507343629
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 60
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Beginning in the early years, children and pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from working with staff who are highly ambitious for them and what they can achieve. Pupils have high expectations of themselves and achieve well.

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

They talk about the positive relationships they form with staff. Those parents and carers who shared a view were overwhelmingly supportive of the school. They commented on pupils knowing that their contributions are valued, feeling happy and bringing their understanding of the school values to their lives outside school.

Pupils are familiar with, and de...monstrate the school values of, wisdom, respect, kindness, endeavour, trust and fairness.

Pupils behave well. Most pupils are consistently attentive in their lessons and keen to learn.

Most pupils take pride in their work. They value the education they receive.

The school provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills.

Many pupils are members of the school council, the nature council or the collective worship council. They learn about how to make improvements to the school by creating spaces for wildlife on the school field, for example. Some pupils take up roles as subject champions.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the time of the previous inspection, the school has worked hard to ensure that the curriculum is ambitious and well sequenced. The curriculum sets out clearly what pupils should learn and when. Pupils benefit from deliberate opportunities to revisit prior learning.

They develop their knowledge of the subjects they study. Some opportunities to deepen pupils' understanding are missed. Teachers do not consistently ensure that older pupils in mixed-age classes take every opportunity to extend their thinking and build on prior learning.

The early years curriculum is equally ambitious. Children are well prepared for Year 1 by the time they leave the early years. The school has ensured that children have a curriculum that is tailored to their needs and is age-appropriate.

Staff complete training. They know how to help children to develop their academic understanding as well as to learn how to look after themselves and take part in the routines of the school day.

Teachers have secure knowledge of the subjects they teach.

They check pupils' understanding in lessons. Teachers ensure that pupils enjoy their lessons and that learning has been broken down so pupils do not feel overwhelmed. In some subjects, the assessment systems do not focus as precisely as they could on checking whether pupils have learned the important knowledge identified in the curriculum.

Pupils with SEND receive effective, personalised support. They have their needs accurately identified. Staff have the information they need to help these pupils learn the curriculum.

Pupils with SEND develop positive relationships with staff. They take part in all aspects of school life.

Reading is prioritised.

Staff complete training about how to teach those at the earliest stages of learning to read. Staff in the early years provide repeated reminders to children throughout the day about the sounds they are learning. Pupils quickly learn how to read accurately.

They enjoy reading. They read a wide range of texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Staff check pupils' understanding.

They provide help when necessary to ensure that no one falls behind.

Pupils' behaviour is overwhelmingly calm and orderly. On occasions, pupils are less calm during social times.

Although the school has identified this as a priority, pupils say they feel comfortable and safe, including during social times.

The school's provision for pupils' personal development has been carefully considered and prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain. Pupils develop detailed knowledge of the British values and regularly discuss related issues in the news during assemblies.

They understand the importance of learning about and respecting different cultures and faiths. Many pupils in the school take part in clubs which enable them to develop their skills and interests. Pupils enjoy learning to crochet and making jewellery as well as gardening, cooking and board games clubs.

Staff enjoy working at the school. Most staff talk about the support they receive from the school to manage their workload and well-being. Governors know the school well and are committed to playing their role in further improving pupils' experiences of school.

Their involvement in the curriculum is in its early stages. They do not yet have the detailed knowledge they need to enable them to support and challenge subject leaders about next steps.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers do not consistently ensure that pupils in mixed-age classes move their learning on at the most appropriate point. This means that, at times, older pupils in these classes do not always benefit from opportunities to deepen the sophistication of their understanding. The school should make sure that teachers consistently provide opportunities for older pupils in mixed-age classes to deepen their understanding and extend their thinking.

• In the foundation subjects, the school's systems for checking pupils' understanding are not as consistently focused as they could be on the important knowledge that the curriculum identifies pupils should learn. As a result, teachers do not always have the information they need to identify and address gaps and misconceptions in pupils' knowledge. The school should ensure that the systems for checking pupils' understanding enable teachers and subject leaders to identify precisely where the curriculum in the foundation subjects is having a more and less positive impact on pupils' knowledge and understanding.

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