School of Science and Technology Maidstone

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About School of Science and Technology Maidstone

Name School of Science and Technology Maidstone
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Ryan Royston
Address New Cut Road, Maidstone, ME14 5GQ
Phone Number 01622938444
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 765
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this school.

Leaders have exceptionally high expectations for what pupils can achieve. Leaders put in place carefully planned adaptations and interventions to make sure that pupils can meet those expectations. Pupils follow a very ambitious curriculum.

This, alongside the high-quality teaching they receive, means that they are very knowledgeable. Pupils discuss what they have learned with confidence.

Pupils are thoughtful and respectful towards each other and towards members of staff.

Pupils appreciate the way that staff take care to listen to them and act on their ideas and views. This culture of respect helps pupils to feel safe. B...ullying is very rare, and pupils are confident that if it does occur, it will be dealt with quickly by staff.

Teachers have set up a wide range of clubs at the school and almost all pupils take part in these wider opportunities. Leaders have made sure that there is something for everyone. Many of these clubs were suggested by the pupils themselves.

Pupils are also encouraged by teachers to innovate. This has included pupils creating their own computer applications which are now used in the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

This school opened in 2020 and currently has pupils aged 11 to 14.

Leaders have already created a highly ambitious curriculum which goes beyond the national curriculum. For example, pupils are not only taught a modern foreign language but are also taught about linguistics to help prepare them for future study. The school was set up to focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and these subjects run through the school.

However, leaders have ensured that the curriculum remains broad with a further focus on the arts and reading. A rich culture of reading permeates the school. Staff support pupils to develop their confidence in reading and to have a passion for both reading and writing.

When pupils need additional support with reading, this support is timely and highly effective.

Teachers use a range of well-planned assessments to identify how well pupils are learning. When teachers identify gaps in pupils' knowledge they put in place opportunities for them to catch up, including providing support in class that is effective and well considered.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported by leaders. Leaders work with teachers to carefully identify any barriers to learning or to taking part in the full life of the school. Staff then ensure that all pupils have the help they need to overcome these obstacles.

Leaders have made subtle and thoughtful adaptations to the school to make sure that physical disabilities do not prevent pupils from either achieving highly or from being included in activities with their peers.

Leaders ensure that pupil behaviour does not disrupt learning. Sanctions are used appropriately but are rarely needed as the behaviour of pupils is usually impeccable.

Pupils are taught why it is important to behave appropriately. They talk thoughtfully about the importance of having integrity. This moral education is part of a curriculum for personal, social, health and economic education that leaders have planned out exceptionally well.

Teachers ensure that this curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all pupils in their classes. Leaders have also created a comprehensive programme for relationships and sex education and health education which gives pupils the information they need in an age-appropriate way. Pupils also receive an excellent package of careers education which leaders have woven into their lessons carefully, as well as through termly 'empower days'.

The school is exceptionally well led. Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have a very clear vision for the school which is based on high expectations. They also have the knowledge and the skills to make that vision a reality for the pupils here.

Leaders respond quickly to any concerns raised by pupils, parents and staff, and this wider community is highly supportive of the school. Staff feel very well supported. Leaders have acted to make sure that everyone has the time to focus on the actions that will benefit pupils the most.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained by leaders in how to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. Leaders take effective actions to ensure that this training makes a difference.

When concerns are raised, leaders are quick to act. They are resolute in ensuring that pupils get the appropriate help that they need. The systems used by staff to keep pupils safe are rigorous.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe. This includes how to keep safe online and how to have healthy relationships. Teachers follow a well-thought-out curriculum that responds well to the needs of the pupils.

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